
OK, this is the hundredth time I am trying to do this. I typically just eat whatever I want in the moment with no willpower at all. Even when I write it down and count calories, I just do whatever I want in the moment. I definitely STRESS eat. My schedule is crazy busy. I have way too much going on in my life, but I NEED to lose at least 15 pounds but 25 would get me to my pre-babies weight! The gym is difficult for me, I know it sounds like an excuse but I have a full time job, 2 side businesses, and I am in grad school with 2 little children at home. I seriously have no time for anything, but I am willing to workout at home in my spare moments if there are quick workouts that work! I am newly committed but looking for tips. What has helped you stay on track during weak moments? I am open to anything even diet pills if they are safe and work. What do you suggest?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    no diet pills...

    You just need a reasonable calorie deficet to lose weight.

    Will power have to want this bad enough...

    As for exercise it's for health and fitness not necessarily weight loss but if you want to exercise try they have a ton of quick workouts ranging from 8mins to 45mins...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Listen to SezxyStef - she knows her stuff. Also, to avoid that grab whatever in the moment temptation - try to take a bit of time on the weekends to plan out your eating for the week. And I'm talking every bit of food including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Keep healthy snacks with you so you can grab those when hungry instead of hitting the vending machine or drive thru. Use the crockpot so meals are ready when you get home from your hectic days. Make casseroles ahead of time. Cut veggies, make trail mix snack packs, etc etc. This wil also help you be more consistent with logging foods as you'll have everything all measured out and planned out. I can usually log my whole day first thing in the morning.

    Good luck!
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    you sound so much like me right now. I will log what I eat but will still eat whatever I want in that moment. I don't know how many times ill do this but im going to do it until I get it right. I started off with something small like cutting out sodas. haven't had a soda in months. I don't see any change from it but I know its doing my body some good. it feels good to know that there are people out here like me and I would love to work with you on figuring out a plan on how to make this work. add me if you like
  • cheekym7
    cheekym7 Posts: 570 Member
    In all honesty it doesn't really sound like you guys are trying very hard. removing soda from your diet is a good thing, and in my opinion would be considered a small goal. I just started out on here and I was eating like normal and tracking my food, my calories were way over, but it gave me a starting point. I was able to see where I needed to cut back and what I need to change or cut out completely. When I go grocery shopping I scan everything to see the calories before I buy it. There are alot of hidden calories, such as no name fat free jello has 3 x more calories than brand name sugar free jello.
    I am also a very busy single mom, I don't have time or energy to work out. But there are plenty of ways to get in your excercise. Walk or bike to work, go for a walk on your luch break, go on you tube and find short but intense workout videos to burn max calories in a short time. House work and running after your children also burns calories so don't get discouraged with thinking there is not enough time.
    I also cut up all my fruit and veggies for the week and don't have a lot of junk in the house so if i do stress eat there are healthy choices that are not going to max out my calories. I also always carry a snack in my purse so if I'm out and about I have something to keep me from stopping at mcdonalds.
    Another thing I have found awesome is the forums on here. I seeked out people with similar goals to myself, I have made my very own little support group of friends. people that are just starting out like me, people who are half way to there goal and people that have already succeeded their goals. They understand what you are going through, the struggles and the victories.
  • bwebber1
    bwebber1 Posts: 3
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Ahhh if there were only magic bullets that really worked!

    Just like they said - calorie deficit (burn more than you take in), and "show up" as Dr. Oz says, or 'you gotta want it bad enough" as some others have commented. I usually say you have to be willing to get or be uncomfortable. Law of averages too says that if you have more good days than bad, it works in your favor.

    For what it's worth...
  • jjsnavywife
    Don't keep anything in the house that will tempt you--that will help a lot. Also with the exercise, Jari Love has a great line of DVD's out. Get Ripped is amazing--I used that DVD every day in addition to spin and Zumba at the Y a few years ago before I became my Mom's caregiver. Amazing results and it is easy to do. You WILL be extremely sore for about 4 days after the first time though, so go light on the weights. Good luck to you!