
Okay so I'm not overweight but just trying to lose a few pounds in however long it takes to feel better about myself.
I read that if I eat 1200 as myfitnesspal has suggested I should in theory lose 1-2lbs a week?
But if I net 1200 and complete my diary it says if everytime was similar I'd weigh 9st 2 in 5 weeks?
I currently weight 9st 5 so that's clearly not a loss of 1lb a week?
Should I be exercising more too?


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    With the amount of weight you're trying to lose, a goal of 1/2 a pound per week would be more appropriate. 1 pound per week is for those with 25 or more pounds per week to lose. 2 pounds per week is more for those with 75+ pounds to lose.

    MFP will not allow you to go less than 1200 per day so even if you say you want to lose 2 pounds per week, they will limit the actual calorie deficit appropriately (depending on your height, weight, activity level, gender, etc). Looks to me like setting you at 1200 puts you pretty much where you should be (0.6 pounds per week).

    That said, don't put too much behind that prediction...weight loss isn't linear.

    Exercise is for health and fitness so it's good for you but not necessarily needed for weight loss.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    MFP will not go below 1200 calories as it is considered unhealthy.

    With 21lbs to lose you should have a goal of 1/2lb a week not 1 or 2..that is reserved for those who have over 50lbs to lose.

    The aim here should be to eat the maximum number of calories to lose an appropriate amount of weight...

    You can exercise for health but you don't need it to lose weight just a reasonable calorie deficet.
  • Jussen1994
    If you are that small then you are looking to lean up and If it were me I would add healthy protein to your diet and exercise and tone your muscles..but remember Muscle weighs more then fat, so when you work out you can see and feel the difference but the scale may say you have gained a pound...don't let it confuse you or depress you.