

  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    let you in on a shocking secrete- most people love food. and I'd wager that most of the population here are foodies.

    we just like not being fat better than we like our red velvet- so we have our red velvet in moderation. That is all.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    The number one problem in loosing weight is the food! I love food so much. If someone ask me oh you want a chip I'm gonna say yes. How do you control yourself with food???

    I eat the chips. I had chips yesterday. I weighed out a serving (28g), put them on a plate with my turkey sammich and went on my way. I ate it, was content, and carried on.

    Had I wanted more chips I would have had them, while making sure they fit into my day and if they couldn't fit I just have them another day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've seen it said over and over in the threads, and I have to agree - you're not going to change until you want it badly enough.

    Yes, food can be a delicious and comforting thing (don't I know it!). But until you start loving yourself more than you love food, you probably won't be able to say no to the chips.

    Work on changing your mindset. Set small goals and work towards them. Reward yourself (not with food) for small successes. You can do it!

    I like this. You got to want it bad enough. I still love food and try to make my daily calories as delicious as possible, sometimes I over indulge a bit, but I keep going because in the end, I don't want to be fat again (or anymore, depending on which way you look at it).
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I had to eliminate trigger foods. No more Oreos, Pringles, Ben & Jerry's, and no more Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread. Then I started to learn about food and my body's nutritional needs. Then I re-evaluated my relationship with food.

    The biggest lesson I've learned is that no matter how much I love food, it does not love me back. It could care less about me. If I won't invest in a personal relationship under those conditions, I needed to not invest in a food relationship under those conditions.

    So, I downgraded food from "LOVAH" to "FUEL" and eat to fuel my energy while I do things I love and that love me back. Working out, walking my dog whilst running from zombies--all love me back. Food is fuel.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm not sure one has to stop loving food in order to have a healthy relationship with it. In fact I think a love of food, and being able to appreciate it for what it is, is a very healthy thing. It's not the answer to problems, it's not a living thing, and it's not out to destroy you OR love you and we shouldn't attribute such things to it.

    I love weightlifting, but weightlifting doesn't love me back, and that isn't a problem because it's not supposed to be anything but what I make of it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm not sure one has to stop loving food in order to have a healthy relationship with it. In fact I think a love of food, and being able to appreciate it for what it is, is a very healthy thing. It's not the answer to problems, it's not a living thing, and it's not out to destroy you OR love you and we shouldn't attribute such things to it.

    I love weightlifting, but weightlifting doesn't love me back, and that isn't a problem because it's not supposed to be anything but what I make of it.

    you're seeing the wrong barbell then- time to dump that one and get a new one.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm not sure one has to stop loving food in order to have a healthy relationship with it. In fact I think a love of food, and being able to appreciate it for what it is, is a very healthy thing. It's not the answer to problems, it's not a living thing, and it's not out to destroy you OR love you and we shouldn't attribute such things to it.

    I love weightlifting, but weightlifting doesn't love me back, and that isn't a problem because it's not supposed to be anything but what I make of it.

    you're seeing the wrong barbell then- time to dump that one and get a new one.

    I'll be honest, I would probably be too scared to ever touch a barbell again if one suddenly gained the ability to display emotion.

    I don't even like it when my fitbit says 'Hello' when I finish charging it.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I also love good, and have an unhealthy relationship with food. I could eat all day if I let myself, and I certainly don't have to be hungry to eat. I never understand those people that skip meals or "forget" to eat - how the hell?! And let me tell you, I'm only 140 lbs but I can put food away. If you saw me on a day that I'm not counting calories, you'd probably wonder how I'm not 500 lbs. I could eat an entire bloomin' onion from Outback by myself and still eat my actual meal. I can scarf down an entire bag of chips or hershey kisses in one sitting. I can out-eat my husband at any restaurant.

    The way I control it is by being a little lax on weekends. I try to remain under my calorie goal for the weekly average, and I make sure to still count calories to keep myself in check, but if I want some Chinese food or something, I'm going to eat it. I stay on track all week, usually just go a little over on Saturday but mostly alright, and then Sunday is my refeed day. It helps me keep my sanity, but I'm not going over my weekly goal, so it's alright and I'm not completely sabotaging all the work I did during the week.

    Whatever works for you!

    I absolutely can't stand the phrase, "eat to live, don't live to eat."'s a skinny people saying for sure. You know what, I eat to live AND sometimes I live to eat. Food is good and I enjoy eating it, so I'm going to. I don't believe in depriving myself of everything i like for the sake of being thin. If I need to lose weight slowly in order to still treat myself sometimes, I'm okay with that.
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    i'm right there with you, i've struggled with my weight my entire life. i love to eat, cook, bake, feed people.......... it does make it very difficult but, like someone earlier said, i allow myself cheat days but like this last weekend i got a bit too carried away and know it will take me several days into this week to undo that damage. i had a long talk with myself and decided i can't fall that far off the wagon anymore. i want to get back into my lil' clothes that are filling 3 of my closets. pout.

    oh ya and ignore the grammar police and those who have nothing but negative comments, i have no idea why people on here feel the need to beat each other down when we are all coming here for support. if you have nothing but smart-*kitten* cruel comments to sling at everyone like monkey poo, then just STFU. please. :yawn: no one thinks you're cool for being an A-hole.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I also love good, and have an unhealthy relationship with food. I could eat all day if I let myself, and I certainly don't have to be hungry to eat. I never understand those people that skip meals or "forget" to eat - how the hell?! And let me tell you, I'm only 140 lbs but I can put food away. If you saw me on a day that I'm not counting calories, you'd probably wonder how I'm not 500 lbs. I could eat an entire bloomin' onion from Outback by myself and still eat my actual meal. I can scarf down an entire bag of chips or hershey kisses in one sitting. I can out-eat my husband at any restaurant.

    The way I control it is by being a little lax on weekends. I try to remain under my calorie goal for the weekly average, and I make sure to still count calories to keep myself in check, but if I want some Chinese food or something, I'm going to eat it. I stay on track all week, usually just go a little over on Saturday but mostly alright, and then Sunday is my refeed day. It helps me keep my sanity, but I'm not going over my weekly goal, so it's alright and I'm not completely sabotaging all the work I did during the week.

    Whatever works for you!

    I absolutely can't stand the phrase, "eat to live, don't live to eat."'s a skinny people saying for sure. You know what, I eat to live AND sometimes I live to eat. Food is good and I enjoy eating it, so I'm going to. I don't believe in depriving myself of everything i like for the sake of being thin. If I need to lose weight slowly in order to still treat myself sometimes, I'm okay with that.

    That's rather rude. Learning to have a healthy relationship with food has nothing to do with 'skinny people'. There's really nothing wrong with making a conscious choice to occasionally let loose and consume a large amount of calories. If your overall life has a healthy balance in it, that's perfectly fine. You're not going to gain weight overall by doing that one time. The problem comes when that behavior happens on a daily basis. Learning to enjoy a few tastes of the food you love rather than mass quantities of it is really the key. Do you get more satisfaction out of eating the entire blooming onion as you do out of eating a few bites of it?
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I love food too. I try to keep it out of sight out of mind. Also, I eat only in the kitchen (or at my desk at work because its a small office with no lunch room. Seriously its me and my boss). Finally I look at said proffered food and determine if it is worth eating. Was it store bought or homemade? If store bought I will politely decline, if it is homemade I'll take a small piece. Home made stuff takes more effort than store bought. Is it something new that I've never had or something that I don't generally like but prepared in a new way? I will try it. This is for my own self improvement. I try almost everything. Am I hungry or am I bored? If I am hungry I eat, If I am bored I look for something to do and drink some water, or tea.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I also love good, and have an unhealthy relationship with food. I could eat all day if I let myself, and I certainly don't have to be hungry to eat. I never understand those people that skip meals or "forget" to eat - how the hell?! And let me tell you, I'm only 140 lbs but I can put food away. If you saw me on a day that I'm not counting calories, you'd probably wonder how I'm not 500 lbs. I could eat an entire bloomin' onion from Outback by myself and still eat my actual meal. I can scarf down an entire bag of chips or hershey kisses in one sitting. I can out-eat my husband at any restaurant.

    The way I control it is by being a little lax on weekends. I try to remain under my calorie goal for the weekly average, and I make sure to still count calories to keep myself in check, but if I want some Chinese food or something, I'm going to eat it. I stay on track all week, usually just go a little over on Saturday but mostly alright, and then Sunday is my refeed day. It helps me keep my sanity, but I'm not going over my weekly goal, so it's alright and I'm not completely sabotaging all the work I did during the week.

    Whatever works for you!

    I absolutely can't stand the phrase, "eat to live, don't live to eat."'s a skinny people saying for sure. You know what, I eat to live AND sometimes I live to eat. Food is good and I enjoy eating it, so I'm going to. I don't believe in depriving myself of everything i like for the sake of being thin. If I need to lose weight slowly in order to still treat myself sometimes, I'm okay with that.

    That's rather rude. Learning to have a healthy relationship with food has nothing to do with 'skinny people'. There's really nothing wrong with making a conscious choice to occasionally let loose and consume a large amount of calories. If your overall life has a healthy balance in it, that's perfectly fine. You're not going to gain weight overall by doing that one time. The problem comes when that behavior happens on a daily basis. Learning to enjoy a few tastes of the food you love rather than mass quantities of it is really the key. Do you get more satisfaction out of eating the entire blooming onion as you do out of eating a few bites of it?

    Yes, I do. That's why I eat it all.

    And it wasn't meant to be rude, so don't take offense when there's none to be taken. We all have our catchphrases and sayings that we find annoying. My "skinny people" comment was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. It's just a saying I can't stand, like "give it 110%" or "think outside the box" (there. is. no. box.).

    No need to be overly sensitive. I envy people that only "eat to live" - I still hate the saying, though, especially when it's given as advice. It's not advice.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I adore food. I spend time trying to find healthier ways of doing things so I can have freedom. I don't always succeed in either freedom or satisfaction, but the balance is pretty good, considering.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    "Loving" food is what got my *kitten* obese in the first place.

    So I broke up with food. We're great friends now, we have the best relationship we've ever had, but the "love" is gone.