Looking for serious friends who WILL be there for me

JolynedD Posts: 17 Member

I've been on this weight loss journey for about 2 months now but what I'm lacking are some real serious MFP friends who will also be there to support me and keep me motivated.

Here is a little about me.

I'm a working mom of two who finally realized... I CAN!
I went to the doctors to talk about my weight loss and I weighed in at 240lbs!!!! That was the heaviest I've ever been. I'm only 5 foot so that's quite allot. He even suggested that I may try for a Gastric Bypass surgery. I was really considering it. One day my friend invited me to join her at her Zumba class and I've been hooked ever since.
Ever since my first born, I've been up and down but always been way over weight and extremely unhappy with myself and my lifestyle.
It's been a month now since I've started my lifestyle change and I've been kicken' butt! I lost 20lbs in my first month. It was hard and it took every ounce of determination I had but I did it! I have lots and lots more to lose and now I'm looking to find friends on MFP to help me going 'till I reach my goal.
I will always be cheering for you but also keeping you accountable and offering advice.

Please add me and we can help each other


  • miss_phat_booty
    Hi! I'll add you and good for you losing 20lbs! Great job!
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    Hi!i think i can help you with that,i have been doing exercice and eating right for a few years.I can give you some advice and telling you what to do in order to reach your goals!I have done pilates,zumba,now im doing a new program called focus t 25,and for "diets"i've done atkins and it really worked ,you just have to commit and you will see the pounds flying away from you! :) I'll add you,feel free to private mensage me. Sarah. :)
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Feel free to add me, I havent had many active friends on this site but I am starting to see how motivating it can be. Good luck in your journey!
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I'd love to add you!
  • Charisma_Black
    Charisma_Black Posts: 87 Member
    Really happy for you that you've lost so much in your first month. Congratulations and well done on your weight loss. The first while is difficult but you are a real inspiration to us all. I'm a daily logger of food/exercise. Happy to be there for anyone who needs the support <3
  • JessicaZen
    JessicaZen Posts: 149 Member
    Welcome to MFP and congrats of the 20lbs down if you or anyone would like to add me feal free to add me we are aall in this together.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hi and welcome..good luck to everyone in trying to reach their goals..

    feel free to add me if you like additional support or someone to talk and encourage.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Congrats on the 20 pounds! That's an amazing start. I sent a FR, and also looking for people that will be here for me too! We can do this! I'm also pretty close, I haven't found many locals yet!!!!
  • krystalrfletcher
    krystalrfletcher Posts: 13 Member
    Yes! T25 is amazing! Beachbody has alot of amazing programs! I'm doing Les Mill pump right now and love it! I'm a coach on the side for them, so if you need any help/ want any information let me know!
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    feel free to add me, everyone is welcome...I log daily
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    congrats on your journey so far.. i would love to add you.
  • justpeachy99
    I havent been on here in a while.. life took over and have recently been re-motivated. Add me if you would like. Always looking for new friends :)
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Good luck :))
  • freckles753
    Hi feel free to add me to, I am always on here and we can support each other in our weight loss :-)
  • LadyRush
    LadyRush Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5'2 and used to weigh a lot more than you! I am hooked on belly dance! I'd love to add you as a friend, sounds like fun!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    YES you can do this!!! I am 5 '0 as well and I did it.....going from a size 20wp to a 4p!!! I did it on my own without the help of Drs, diet pills, etc. Just takes hard work and dedication
  • 1Way2exhale
    1Way2exhale Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to add me, I love the accountability and motivational pool in here. Congrats on your success. Feel free to add me.
  • Chance535
    Chance535 Posts: 64 Member
    Great work on losing 20lbs. Feel free to add me also.
  • jamieroosball
    jamieroosball Posts: 1 Member
    Great job on your weight loss!!!! I just recently started a weight loss program and tracking with MFP at the beginning of this year and it has really helped me. I lost about 15 pounds my first month, but started to see a slow down in weight loss, but that didn't discourage me too much as I have continued to drop clothing sizes. It is exciting to see our bodies transform and to help us build self confidence in ourselves. It is definitely hard work and a total lifestyle change, but if done right, it is worth it in the long run and easier to keep up with it! I will be happy to add you as I log in daily and love helping to motivate!