Results: One month down...

... several more to go!

Start (26th February)

Weight: 88.9kg
Muscle Mass: 29kg
Body fat mass: 36.2kg
Body fat %: 40.7
BMI: 30.76

Current stats (as of today, 24 March):

Weight: 85kg
Muscle Mass: 29.8kg
Body fat mass: 31.4kg
Body fat %: 36.9%
BMI: 29.45

Been trying to eat well (3 meals plus 3 snacks). Exercise is a combination of heavy lifting 3x a week (full body at the moment) plus walking, swimming and hot yoga.... Goal is to get into a healthy fat body % range and continue to increase muscle.

Posting this as feeling good today and hoping this will add to my motivation. Will post result every 4 weeks ...!

PS. Took the above with one of those body reader/scanner things at they gym so taking the results with a pinch of salt... will take stats every 4 weeks to keep a log of how things are changing.
