Best Exerices for the Behind... ;)

Okay ladies... and men to... What do you think is the best exercises for a 'more lifted butt'? Yes, I know squats and lunges are great... but if anyone has a routine/plan they followed with great results, I would love to know. Thanks for the responses y'all :).


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    dead lifts
    barbell bridge lifts
    single leg squats
    bulgarian split squats
    box jumps
  • steffmd25
    steffmd25 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks JoRocka... I love dead lifts and want to incorporate those again... I'll google some of the unfamiliar ones :)
  • steffmd25
    steffmd25 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks Ben :)
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    I've been doing the barbell glute bridges 2x a week and bulgarian split-leg squats 1x week as accessories after my compound lifts. Still getting use to both exercises and increase weight and/or reps each session. I definitely feel the glute bridges more than the bulgarians but it may just be I haven't upped the weight with bulgarians yet but I struggle holding 15 dumbbells doing reps of 20.
    If you dive into some of Bret Contreras research he recommends doing higher reps for glutes.