mom of two looking to tone up and regain energy

Hi all! I've been using MFP as an app for a year now but only recently discovered the online community forum. What an amazing group of people who support each other! I am looking to post actively as I go through my health/fitness journey, hoping to get motivation by talking to others, and return that motivation back to people who need it!

I am a 32 year mom of two who recently moved cities/provinces for my spouse's career, so I'm home with my kids all the time. While this is awesome and rewarding in so many ways, I find my energy levels have been drained because I'm not getting the physical activity I used to get with work (which involved standing all day and walking a lot). Plus looking after your own kids every day can be mentally/emotionally draining.

My goals are to tone my body overall, get stronger, learn about strength training, and get more energy! I've been diligently putting in 30-40 minutes a day at night for the past 2 weeks doing a combo of a bunch of different things (yoga, weights, treadmill, other strength exercises) and tracking my food using MFP.

Hoping to chat with others who have similar goals. Thanks for reading!