Water intake question



  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    i target at least 0.5 ounce per pound of weight. for me that's 12 cups. I count anything not soda/Sodium laden (the Sodium in soda negates it) Tea and coffee count as long as you drink a reasonable amount, I think you need to drink more than 6 cups for it to begin to have a diuretic effect
  • MaggieGiamalvo
    MaggieGiamalvo Posts: 397 Member
    I agree with those that say 8 8-oz glasses a day isn't accurate for everyone. The method where you take your weight (in pounds), divide by 2, and drink that amount (in ounces), is pretty accurate.

    For me, though, I don't feel like my thirst is quenched unless I'm actually drinking water. Sure, I drink other things, too, but it doesn't quench my thirst. Again, for me, I just feel like my body performs better if I drink 11+ cups of water a day. And, no... I don't always hit that mark, but it's my goal.
  • jodie3134
    jodie3134 Posts: 60 Member
    I try to drink half my weight in water every day. A few years ago... I hated water and had to force myself to drink it. Now its much easier. I think its one of those things that has to grow on you. One of my tricks is to always have water with me. I find that I drink a lot more instead of waiting until I'm thirsty. I love my 24oz Tervis Tumblers. I fill it up, put the lid on it and use a straw (for some reason a straw makes me drink more too). I also love making flavored water. I fill up a 2 gallon jug and slice up an orange or lemon or cucumbers and place it in the water. Yum.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    A few years ago... I hated water and had to force myself to drink it.

    As I've pretty much always lived near some of the largest fresh water sources in the world maybe I'm blind to issues. I see a lot of posts about I hated/Hate water I cant stand swallowing..... Perhaps someone can explain what there is to hate. Water should be pretty much tasteless (I've had tap water when traveling that wasn't - that is what filters are for)
    I haven't always drank as much water as I should (in fact lots of times I didn't) but I've never found anything that quenches thirst like water does. I can understand hating the taste of overly chlorinated heavily mineral tasting water but that is easily solved with a really cheap activated charcoal water filter like a Brita