colorado is the leanest state, mississippi is the heftiest



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i'm in colorado. =) but that doesn't mean i don't still have 60 pounds to lose, haha. but really, it makes sense that CO is so lean - almost EVERYONE spends weekends in the mountains. in the summer, hiking and in the winter, skiing, snowboarding, snow shoeing, etc. it is very easy to be healthy here.

    Yeah - I'm from Colorado, too - I have to admit that the fact that people are so healthy here made it more intimidating to get going and start exercising. I still feel really self-conscious at the gym and when I'm out jogging, like someone is going to tell me I don't belong. :laugh: I'm slowly getting over that, though.

    i felt that way too. :) but even as the leanest state, 55.6% of our population is overweight or obese. i'm glad i am helping to shrink that number. i wish more people were.
  • sandey30
    I live in Mississippi. You folks who live in states where there are plenty of outdoor activities to do, be thankful. Not only is there great southern fried food here, there is absolutely nothing to do. And all of the fun outdoor activities to do during the summer, no one can stand to do because it is so freakin' hot you can't breathe just standing there doing nothing. My husband and I took on the C25k this summer and I'm really surprised that neither one of us experienced a serious case of heat exhaustion. When the heat index is above 100 at 11 p.m., who can stand to get out and have fun? But hey, we didn't die or pass out so I guess it made us stronger!! Gotta love the great southern food culture though. We sure know how to make it tasty.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I live in Mississippi. You folks who live in states where there are plenty of outdoor activities to do, be thankful. Not only is there great southern fried food here, there is absolutely nothing to do. And all of the fun outdoor activities to do during the summer, no one can stand to do because it is so freakin' hot you can't breathe just standing there doing nothing. My husband and I took on the C25k this summer and I'm really surprised that neither one of us experienced a serious case of heat exhaustion. When the heat index is above 100 at 11 p.m., who can stand to get out and have fun? But hey, we didn't die or pass out so I guess it made us stronger!! Gotta love the great southern food culture though. We sure know how to make it tasty.

    Gotta give you credit for doing C25k in such a humid environment! :drinker: I visited family down in San Antonio this summer for a week, a couple weeks into C25K. I did one workout and promptly decided it could wait until I got back home to resume. :laugh: I've never been so sweaty in my entire life. I felt so gross!
  • Loisandrev
    Live in Alabama, Born in Louisiana. Do I have a chance in Heck~!!!!!!!
  • jennylynn84
    This does remind me of a list of "Things to do in Baton Rouge" one of our local magazines published. Devoid of outdoor activities, or really, many activities at all, it included restaurants to eat at and radio stations to listen to.

    Go figure.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Pennsylvania 17...odd cause I have ready similar surveys that rank us kinda middle ground I must conclude
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    @ accountant_boi (meant to do a quote, but forgot, whoops!)

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Whenever I go run in City Park I kinda have to talk myself into it, haha. But once I get started and most of the people I see are very friendly, I get over it. =)
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm from Texas, but living in Colorado.. It takes forever to get used to living high altitude. Kicks your but when running cause you can't breath.

    Too true... until you get back down to sea level and you can run for miles and miles and leave everyone else in the dust!!! Hahaha. Always pick a destination race! LOL.

    Ohh, I Soo miss Colorado. I'm now living in Texas - Houston in fact. I miss the clean fresh air and all the mountain activities. I go running around here & I feel like all alone doing it.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Yay! My state is one of the leanest! Go Montana!
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    I live in Mississippi. You folks who live in states where there are plenty of outdoor activities to do, be thankful. Not only is there great southern fried food here, there is absolutely nothing to do. And all of the fun outdoor activities to do during the summer, no one can stand to do because it is so freakin' hot you can't breathe just standing there doing nothing. My husband and I took on the C25k this summer and I'm really surprised that neither one of us experienced a serious case of heat exhaustion. When the heat index is above 100 at 11 p.m., who can stand to get out and have fun? But hey, we didn't die or pass out so I guess it made us stronger!! Gotta love the great southern food culture though. We sure know how to make it tasty.

    Well said! I live in MS too, and I agree it's to hot to do anything, and there is NOTHING to do. Seriously. The town I live in doesn't have a theater anymore.
  • Dammitviv
    i'm in colorado. =) but that doesn't mean i don't still have 60 pounds to lose, haha. but really, it makes sense that CO is so lean - almost EVERYONE spends weekends in the mountains. in the summer, hiking and in the winter, skiing, snowboarding, snow shoeing, etc. it is very easy to be healthy here.

    Yeah - I'm from Colorado, too - I have to admit that the fact that people are so healthy here made it more intimidating to get going and start exercising. I still feel really self-conscious at the gym and when I'm out jogging, like someone is going to tell me I don't belong. :laugh: I'm slowly getting over that, though.

    Come ride or jog around Cherry Creek reservior, thats where I do my work outs, I've always seen friendly faces and got encouraging nods. Even from the ubber cyclists, and I'm slow... Lol. Its a great atmosphere
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm in CA (41) but I live in Los Angeles, so intimidating I completely understand. I bike past muscle beach everyday on my way to work, some of the runners on the beach path are so hard core, they can practically run past me, and I do get pasted by these insanely fit roller bladers. But they are all really friendly and will give you that "good for you nod". Got to love the beach in the morning; surf, sand and sweat.
  • fearlessly
    fearlessly Posts: 51 Member
    I live in Connecticut, which is ranked as the second leanest state... interesting. I definitely don't see that many overweight people in CT, especially throughout middle/high school. Not sure why that's true, as there's really not a ton of outdoor activities to do here. I guess there are a lot of sports, but I think that's true anywhere you go, right?
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    I'm in Colorado :-) But I still have 15ish lbs to go ha ha ha
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hawaii is ranked 47. Interesting.
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    LWatson43, unfortunately 'bama is 2nd.

    Georgia is 17th ??? I better get my eyes checked.
    Dollars to donuts; take out all the gay men from the survey and we'll be top 5 for sure. LOL
  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    I grew up in Louisiana, moved away after high school (1981). Lived quite a few places in the US and Europe and now live in Colorado.

    The food in Louisiana, as mentioned above, *is* awesome. But it always struck me as odd that Louisiana was called 'Sportsman's Paradise." Its so freakin hot during the summer that you just don't want to go outside, much less move around unnecessarily. For those that don't know, the "sports" they are referring to are all basically drinking a whole lot of beer while sitting around waiting for X, where X is a fish or a bird or a deer or a squirrel. Still, back in the 60's and 70's, it was still pretty uncommon for a person to be truly fat. Especially kids.

    Now, living in Colorado, I'm struck not so much by how fit people are here, as by how overweight *all* parts of America are. Colorado is just a little bit less so. For those who do chose to exercise, there are a lot of fun things to do outdoors. Here in Colorado Springs, the second largest city in the state, it almost feels like so many people head up into the mountains that there isn't much of a market for fun cultural (i.e., sedentary) activities for those who stay in town. For its size, its very "non-urban".

    And as far as the fitness stats go, Colorado Springs is surely helped out by the presence of 5 different military establishments, the Olympic Training Center, and the presence of dedicated athletes who relocate here to live/train at somewhat of an elevation.

    Still, for the population as a whole, I'm not sure I would say Colorado is more fit than *any* US state was 30 years ago.

    For a while I've been struck by how overweight we as a country are. Very recently, I finally decided that it was time for *me* to drop a few pounds. I started walking (1 mile at a time, 2x per day) and was surprised that on day 3 I started having chest pains. My cardiologist wants me to lose 50 pounds. Turns out I'm clinically obese. Who knew ?
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Looks like Colorado just repeated in 2011! Way to go, Colorado!