I'm Ready

Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
And if there's one thing I've learned it's that no one does anything until they are ready.

Well, this is a new route for me on a very old and familiar trip. I've restricted my diet to so many different "amazing new weight loss plans" that I've lost count, I've taken so many "new breakthrough in weight loss supplements" that I couldn't list them if I tried, and I've never once found long term success.

So this is where I am, I quit smoking after 25 years. I had tried every pill, patch, shot, gum, and prayer that I could find, and NOTHING made me quit smoking. I finally happened on the actual solution to the problem: I had to want to quit, and I had to mean it - forever. That's all. Nothing else, no money spent and no time wasted. Result x 35 weeks.

I figure finally dropping the pounds and doing it for good is probably the same type of situation. HAHA it can't possibly be any harder. Anyway, I know next to nothing about weight management and figured a place like this may be what I need to educate and motivate myself. I'm absolutely looking to make friends for mutual support and accountability. So wish me luck! Day one has been tough, but manageable. :happy: