Topamax and calries I need advice!

I take Topamax for migraines which drastically curbs my appetite, it's what helped me start losing weight, so when I started changing what I eat to healthier foods now I am not eating as much as I should, some days I only 900 calories, some days I am starving and want to eat a horse!
Which is why I started exercising to be less flabby, try to regulate my metabolism, and hope to feel better. My question is on the days that I can't seem to stomach eating more what should I do? Suppliment, or ride it out? I had about 4 days where I just couldn't eat more then I started feeling bad, and I know it's from that, especially because I went from eating VERY unhealthy and high calorie foods to healthy lower cal foods. Anyone have any thought?


  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    Try liquids with a good amount of nutrients. Protein shake, kefir, yogurt drinks, meal replacement shakes. A lot of the time when I couldn't stand eating, I could manage to at least drink!
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    The side effect you are having from Topamax is rare but happens in some people. It will eventually slow down and your appetite will normalize but it may take several months. I took it many years ago and had the same effect (that is how I learned so much about it). No matter what I ate, I lost weight. Part of it raises metabolism to shocking levels and part of it is appetite suppression. No matter how much I tried, I could NOT eat somedays, it nauseated me. I lost 70 lbs in 3 months. Be very careful, see your doctor and try to eat when you can. Hopefully it will abate soon.
  • knackarsch
    I take Topamax for my migraines, too. This side effect was much worse for me in the beginning. I lost about 20 pounds without trying, and quickly regained it when I went through some (insane!) life stress and ate despite not being hungry. I'd suggest not worrying too much about the days when you're not hungry, and just try to get the calories that you do eat, to come from nutritious foods. Don't eat junk food to increase your calories, and don't stuff your stomach if you can't handle any more bulk. You can make up for it the next day when you feel like eating more.
  • tattooednurse01
    tattooednurse01 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advice, I've been on it almost a year and it hasn't slowed down. Since I've started eating better I think I may have to do what PP said and try to supplement if need be.