Athletes may require more calories.

So, I really enjoy MFP but I think the calculator is off. I'm always hungry and even with exercise and eating moderately healthy, I find it tough to stay within my calorie limit on days that I don't exercise. I think it's because my metabolism is high, that MFP is geared more towards people who aren't as active... and I really need help finishing off my last 30 lbs towards my goal.

About me:
Age, 29
Height, 6'2"
Weight, 205lbs
Sex, Male
Chest, not sure
Waist, comfortably fit in size 33" pants

I'm currently training for a half-marathon (4 days of running a week), I used to lift weights 6 days a week (I'm taking a sabbatical from lifting) and I'm on my feet 35 hours/week for my job (I'm a barista). I just upped my profile to "Active", so now I have a pool of 2600 calories to eat from... is this too many though? Any ideas from other physically active people? How do you customize MFP so you're not severely undercutting your calories?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member <-- I used this site to figure out my calorie goal... or try Scooby's -- I don't have the link but google will...
  • Bigwein5
    Bigwein5 Posts: 5
    I teach tennis and play 5 days a week and feel your pain. The way around this for me that worked well was to supplement my day with 100% Isolated Whey protein powder mixed in water. It charges me up with very little calories and keeps me going through the tough hunger hours. It also has helped my recovery time after a big workout. It also can be mixed with diet sodas and taste similar to an ice cream soda.

    Good Luck