Short Dirty Bulk?



  • Glitch000019
    Eat enough to gain the weight you need! Shooting for a minimum of 3,000 - 4,000 sounds reasonable, based on what others have written above, but you'll have to adjust as necessary. You'll probably gain some water weight when you first start re-eating, so let this stabilize for a week or two and then go from there. If you aren't gaining enough, eat more! How much does the Doc want you to gain for your next weigh in?

    Do make sure you get enough protein - shoot for at least 115 g per day, probably closer to 200 would be better. You'll need it to build muscle. Use a shake if you have to, but try and get most from real food. I was just reading Wendler's 5/3/1 book, and he suggests a 50 g protein shake before every meal, and to eat 4-6 times a day, with 30-50 g of protein (fish, meat, eggs etc) per meal!

    I do eat loads of protein so I should be good for that. I would love to gain to about 122 from 115 in the next four weeks. Some of it may also be water weight but as long as the scale goes up by 7 to 8 pounds this month I'd be happy
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I am doing lifting every other day.t I know the pacing is counterproductive but I can't simply stop it. That's why I'm curious how much to eat to eat it back

    you simply can't stop it?

    um- if you cannot stop it- 1 probably shouldn't be wearing the weights and 2 you should be seeing someone because that's not normal.
  • Glitch000019

    I am doing lifting every other day.t I know the pacing is counterproductive but I can't simply stop it. That's why I'm curious how much to eat to eat it back

    you simply can't stop it?

    um- if you cannot stop it- 1 probably shouldn't be wearing the weights and 2 you should be seeing someone because that's not normal.

    I am working on it. I just wear the ankle weights because want to increase my leg strength
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    Your plan is moderately doable (except for the muscle part), but you're seriously kidding yourself if you think you're recovering from anything.

    You have a full-on eating disorder. Address it.

    edit: To be a little more helpful ... I assume your weigh-in is medically ordered as part of your "recovery." When you go there for your weigh-in, show the doctor this your post here, so that he can go into full panic mode and give you the treatment you need.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am working on it. I just wear the ankle weights because want to increase my leg strength

    Okay- deep breath- little tough love coming: you literally have no idea what you are doing. you have a very unhealthy relationship with food and have not a single concept of what's going on.

    No- I'm not trying to be mean. But you are trying to start doing things and you have absolutely no clue the way your body works- you really really really need some professional help.

    And you REALLY REALLY need to educate yourself on what your body does and how it responds to stress.

    walking around for hours a day does not improve leg strength- all it does is get your good at walking.
    Doing so with weights is probably doing more harm than good.

    Please go see a medical doctor as well as someone who deals with food relationships. Because there is much to learn and you are just starting out- you can go so far if you start over on the right path.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I am working on it. I just wear the ankle weights because want to increase my leg strength

    Okay- deep breath- little tough love coming: you literally have no idea what you are doing. you have a very unhealthy relationship with food and have not a single concept of what's going on.

    No- I'm not trying to be mean. But you are trying to start doing things and you have absolutely no clue the way your body works- you really really really need some professional help.

    And you REALLY REALLY need to educate yourself on what your body does and how it responds to stress.

    walking around for hours a day does not improve leg strength- all it does is get your good at walking.
    Doing so with weights is probably doing more harm than good.

    Please go see a medical doctor as well as someone who deals with food relationships. Because there is much to learn and you are just starting out- you can go so far if you start over on the right path.

    Listen to the advice man, these people know what they're talking about. You need to think long term, years, not weeks. You get it right now, and you could be free of the disorder and have a great healthy body too. Now's your chance to seriously listen.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    why not just eat over maintenance, any amount over, for a couple years. Then you'll be at an average weight for 5'7" and you can cut as needed.

    Why cut if there is no muscle under the fat unless you are seriously very high bodyfat (over 20%).?

    edit: forget the calorie goal for now. 3000, 4000....forget it. You are not there yet. You don't know what your calories need to be at yet. Eat more. Are you gaining? Good. If not, eat even more. After a month of this, then you can begin micromanaging the calories. There is no sense in setting a goal if you arent aware of the starting point.
  • Glitch000019
    why not just eat over maintenance, any amount over, for a couple years. Then you'll be at an average weight for 5'7" and you can cut as needed.

    Why cut if there is no muscle under the fat unless you are seriously very high bodyfat (over 20%).?

    edit: forget the calorie goal for now. 3000, 4000....forget it. You are not there yet. You don't know what your calories need to be at yet. Eat more. Are you gaining? Good. If not, eat even more. After a month of this, then you can begin micromanaging the calories. There is no sense in setting a goal if you arent aware of the starting point.

    I just use the calories as a guideline to help me and to help justify the mass quantities. Would 2 pounds a week be healthy though considering I'm so skinny and borderline underweight?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I just use the calories as a guideline to help me and to help justify the mass quantities. Would 2 pounds a week be healthy though considering I'm so skinny and borderline underweight?

    you need to start from the beginning and get professional guidance.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    you need to start from the beginning and get professional guidance.

  • liftingheavy1
    I am working on it. I just wear the ankle weights because want to increase my leg strength

    Okay- deep breath- little tough love coming: you literally have no idea what you are doing. you have a very unhealthy relationship with food and have not a single concept of what's going on.

    No- I'm not trying to be mean. But you are trying to start doing things and you have absolutely no clue the way your body works- you really really really need some professional help.

    And you REALLY REALLY need to educate yourself on what your body does and how it responds to stress.

    walking around for hours a day does not improve leg strength- all it does is get your good at walking.
    Doing so with weights is probably doing more harm than good.

    Please go see a medical doctor as well as someone who deals with food relationships. Because there is much to learn and you are just starting out- you can go so far if you start over on the right path.

    don't listen to this crap just do what
    aarondnguyen said
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    don't listen to this crap just do what
    aarondnguyen said

    really? total crap... mhmmmm sure

    walking around for hrs with ankle weights to increase leg strength is a great way to improve leg strength- man I've been doing it wrong FOR YEARS!!!
  • Glitch000019
    I am working on it. I just wear the ankle weights because want to increase my leg strength

    Okay- deep breath- little tough love coming: you literally have no idea what you are doing. you have a very unhealthy relationship with food and have not a single concept of what's going on.

    No- I'm not trying to be mean. But you are trying to start doing things and you have absolutely no clue the way your body works- you really really really need some professional help.

    And you REALLY REALLY need to educate yourself on what your body does and how it responds to stress.

    walking around for hours a day does not improve leg strength- all it does is get your good at walking.
    Doing so with weights is probably doing more harm than good.

    Please go see a medical doctor as well as someone who deals with food relationships. Because there is much to learn and you are just starting out- you can go so far if you start over on the right path.

    don't listen to this crap just do what
    aarondnguyen said

    Yahoo I think will just follow more of what Aaron and also said.

    I do appreciate everyone's concerns but I think some of them are over reacting. I recognize that I am not fully recovered but it's not as bad as some are making out to be.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member

    I just use the calories as a guideline to help me and to help justify the mass quantities. Would 2 pounds a week be healthy though considering I'm so skinny and borderline underweight?

    OP is just looking for justifications to binge. He says it himself and he's not ready yet. He'll listen to the guy who just dissed JoRocka because he's got an eating disorder that is very cunning. If you haven't got experience and recovery from these things, it's probably best to keep schtum as me old mum used to say!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've seen a people with ED play everybody on this website. It's not pretty and it hurts my heart when I see it happen. I agree with your advice.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I am working on it. I just wear the ankle weights because want to increase my leg strength

    Okay- deep breath- little tough love coming: you literally have no idea what you are doing. you have a very unhealthy relationship with food and have not a single concept of what's going on.

    No- I'm not trying to be mean. But you are trying to start doing things and you have absolutely no clue the way your body works- you really really really need some professional help.

    And you REALLY REALLY need to educate yourself on what your body does and how it responds to stress.

    walking around for hours a day does not improve leg strength- all it does is get your good at walking.
    Doing so with weights is probably doing more harm than good.

    Please go see a medical doctor as well as someone who deals with food relationships. Because there is much to learn and you are just starting out- you can go so far if you start over on the right path.


    Not trying to be mean OP, promise.

    Felt this way since your original post :-/
  • ktrobison
    1-2 pounds a week is not a dirty bulk. Dirty bulk should be done for at LEAST 6 months to a couple of years. You could get yourself on a 500 calorie surplus and lean bulk with 2 pounds a week is you have been lifting less than a year.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    why not just eat over maintenance, any amount over, for a couple years. Then you'll be at an average weight for 5'7" and you can cut as needed.

    Why cut if there is no muscle under the fat unless you are seriously very high bodyfat (over 20%).?

    edit: forget the calorie goal for now. 3000, 4000....forget it. You are not there yet. You don't know what your calories need to be at yet. Eat more. Are you gaining? Good. If not, eat even more. After a month of this, then you can begin micromanaging the calories. There is no sense in setting a goal if you arent aware of the starting point.


    OP you are going about this all wrong. I'd only recomend a dirty bulk if you knew how to cut. I don't know what these other posters are talking about but they've clearly never bulked. 1-2 pounds a week is most definitely a dirty bulk. As a non-enhanced lifter if you were to put on 4-8lbs a month for a whole year you'd gain 52-104lbs and the majority of that would be fat.

    Also a one month bulk is a waste of time.

    Learn how to control and maintain your weight at will before embarking on a bulk IMO.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    5'7, 115-118 pounds
    18 years, male

    I recently recovered from an eating disorder. I have to gain some weight over the next month for a weigh in. I hate the slow gradual bulk and that is risky for me since not gaining is not an option for me. I like completely stuffing myself silly (dirty bulk) and also I like a nice cut but I hate a gradual bulk(not comfortable and more stressful for me). So I was thinking of doing a nice dirty and aggressive bulk for the next month (aiming for 1 to 2 pounds week) and then do a quick cut to eliminate the excess fat. I will then do another strong bulk. During the bulk, I will be aiming for 3000 to 4000 calories a day of mostly clean but some junk and will cut on about 1800 calories. I would prefer to do the cut and bulk cycles quickly over one long clean bulk for many reasons. I figure I might as well go dirty and truly enjoy my bulk since I can always shed the fat later. Also since I'm going to be doing a lot of short cycles, I won't ever have too much extra weight on me. I understand this is not the ideal way to gain but I think this is what is best for my lifestyle. How should I approach the bulking part? Can I include some junk foods? Would 3000 or 4000 calories be better? (I'm quite active) any other thoughts or questions? Can I eat some junk food like a burger and fries or fried chicken or some cookie cake since I'm bulking as long as I eat mostly healthy?

    Well, if this isn't a troll post.

    Right now you're probably 8-10% body fat @ 118.
    (assuming this BF Percentage because even with the most minimal amount of LBM, there isn't room at all for fat with these numbers.)

    Take advantage of the fact that you're lean, it's the one thing you've got going for you.

    I've seen hundreds of unsuccessful "dirty bulks" and very very few successful ones, don't think you'll be the exception.

    To answer your question, eat as many calories as you NEED to, to gain a slow controlled amount of weight per week.

    Aim low, and increase it if you think you're not gaining fat.

    Start at 2 lbs / month or less.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Yahoo I think will just follow more of what Aaron and also said.

    I do appreciate everyone's concerns but I think some of them are over reacting. I recognize that I am not fully recovered but it's not as bad as some are making out to be.

    oh look.

    someone completely ignores several repeating themes in different posts by different authors and picks the ONE guy who agrees with him.

    seems legit.

    OP- good luck with your process. I'd love to see how things are going in a year- I wish you the best of luck.