
Who's doing P90X3?!!! I just completed it, saw amazing results and just restarted it! Anyone else out there loving it?!


  • ms_lindsay
    ms_lindsay Posts: 22 Member
    I am starting next week! I completed 10 weeks of T25 and lost 10 pounds and overall 10 inches. I am going for my final weight loss and increasing strength with P90X3.

    I will also be running with my kids a few times a week and Yoga as well, can't wait!
  • piratexxxrules
    piratexxxrules Posts: 3 Member
    I have it on the shelf currently! This is great motivation to pick it up again! I did about two weeks worth of the LEAN schedule and then unplanned circumstances hijacked my schedule!
  • jsantus
    jsantus Posts: 53 Member
    I'm on my victory week! Doing the Elite Block starting next week. After that, probably a P90X / X3 hybrid.
  • rhenry086
    rhenry086 Posts: 17 Member
    I started on Monday.. I did a few weeks of the original and saw pretty good results. I also mix in 5 days of running, as I'm training for a marathon (very slowly!) that I'll be running in October. I definitely feel sore today after day 2!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I may start Monday, or I might buy Pump. decisions, decisions.

    Glad you did well
  • Deb_622
    Deb_622 Posts: 694
    I'm doiong Insanity right now, and did T25 before that, but I've been looking at P90X3 because I like the idea of adding strength and I like the 30 minute time frame...my concern is that on the videos I've seen (infomercials, etc...) there are moves that it doesn't look like I'd ever be able to do - ex. a move where it looks like they're doing push-ups and they jump their bodies completely off the ground twist 45 degrees in the air and then come back down...

    I'm in ok shape - and getting better with Insanity...but...

    Any thoughts from any other 35+ ish women?
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I'm in week 12 and LOVE IT!!! It's great being challenged by the moves in each workout..I could never do a boring strength training workout again. I like that it helps me become a better athlete. I am a martial artist and need much more than just strength and looking good.:wink: It's helped me in so many ways!
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    ...my concern is that on the videos I've seen (infomercials, etc...) there are moves that it doesn't look like I'd ever be able to do - ex. a move where it looks like they're doing push-ups and they jump their bodies completely off the ground twist 45 degrees in the air and then come back down...

    I'm in ok shape - and getting better with Insanity...but...

    Any thoughts from any other 35+ ish women?

    How about a thought from a 48-ish man? I completed P90X3 and loved it, and yes there are some insane-looking moves in some workouts. I either (a) pushed myself until I was able to do the moves or (b) modified my moves for my own abilities until I was ready to attempt them.

    I would highly recommend this workout for anyone.

  • Deb_622
    Deb_622 Posts: 694
    ...my concern is that on the videos I've seen (infomercials, etc...) there are moves that it doesn't look like I'd ever be able to do - ex. a move where it looks like they're doing push-ups and they jump their bodies completely off the ground twist 45 degrees in the air and then come back down...

    I'm in ok shape - and getting better with Insanity...but...

    Any thoughts from any other 35+ ish women?

    How about a thought from a 48-ish man? I completed P90X3 and loved it, and yes there are some insane-looking moves in some workouts. I either (a) pushed myself until I was able to do the moves or (b) modified my moves for my own abilities until I was ready to attempt them.

    I would highly recommend this workout for anyone.


    Thanks Mike :wink:
  • CarlaRG
    CarlaRG Posts: 264
    I am just starting my final recovery week of X3. I LOVE this program!!!! I haven't taken my measurements for a while, (Next week I will for final results) but last time I did, I had lost 7 inches from my waist alone and almost 10 pounds. There are still some moves that I can't do, like the plyo push ups, but you can modify and you'll still feel yourself getting stronger. I am 41, mom of 2 and started out with NO upper body strength due to a car accident years ago. I started out slow for fear of hurting myself. I couldn't do 1 assisted pull up when I started and now I can do 8. (I'm still afraid to try unassisted lol) It is a great, great program. Feel free to add me for support if you'd like... :)
  • kdawwg
    kdawwg Posts: 14
    I'm so excited to hear from everyone! My husband and I just started Round 2 and are on Week 2, it's amazing how much we have improved! LOVE this program and not planning on stopping it EVER!!!
  • tcardena
    tcardena Posts: 17
    Transition Week ends today. Block 2 tomorrow. Can't wait to see new workouts and more progress!
  • kdawwg
    kdawwg Posts: 14
    Phase 2 is tough but fun at the same time!!! Hope you like it!!!
  • prabbitts
    prabbitts Posts: 16 Member
    I've done the original p90x about 4 years ago, then got inactive and gained weight., and have been considering the p90x3. Even though the workouts are shorter, does it still have muscle building resistance in it? I'm interested in increasing muscle mass and tone. Lost weight and need to tone up at get firm. Plus, I know muscle burns fat :)