Heart Rate Monitor Question

When you use the heart rate monitor how wet do you need to get the sensors on the strap? I keep thinking I have my wet enough(run under the faucet a few seconds) but I keep getting times when the transmissions won't read on the watch. I've seen some people just toss a little water on their straps from their water bottle so I'm a bit confused. Also, for ladies do you wear your HR strap below your bra, under your bra? I've seen some sports bras online that have the sensors in the straps but can only find them in xs or 40EE. Thanks


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I was just searching for threads about this issue yesterday and found quite a few old threads about it. I have a Polar T4 and it frequently takes a while to pick up my heart rate. In fact, I have occasionally become so frustrated walking around the house resetting the training screen dozens of times waiting for a reading that I gave up.

    Apparently, some people find better success at putting the strap on for at least 5 or more minutes before they plan to work out. I usually just run a wet washcloth over mine before I put it on. It fits part way under my sports bra.

    I'm going to try to putting it on early idea today and see if that works better.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I barely soak mine.. a couple handfuls of water and I'm good. Are you sure the HRM is positioned properly? It should sit directly under your breasts

    Edit to add that I wear mine kind of under my bra.. the underwire usually overlaps over it.. I try to have the sensor sit underneath that with nothing overlapping. Really depends on the bra
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I have the polar hr strap. A few drops of water on the sensor area next to my skin is all I need. It lies just below my bra, almost upper abdomen at times. But I never need to raise it as high as my bra for it to get a signal.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    I don't even wet mine anymore as I used to just run my hand across water and then straight to the monitor once it was placed but now I figure Ill be alright once the sweat kicks in. I wear mine right under my breasts and also the part that gets wet with water should be positioned right over the heart. Its a lil awkward when the ribcage doesn't make for an even placement but shifting it just over to the right should be good and I like it as tucked under my chest as possible so it can be fully covered by my bra…i hate having things worn by me that i notice way too much.:)
  • Tomahawk3Niner
    I've discovered for best results (at least with my garmin strap) that the transmitter needs to sit right at the base of your sternum. Basically the upper portion of the transmitter over the bone and the lower part over the void just under it. It just needs a few drops of water on the contact areas.
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    I wet mine down pretty good and wear it under my sports bra. I have a Polar strap. That said I ran into this problem about year ago and what I learned is I need to wash it more often then I had been. Once I started washing it with detergent every couple of workouts it stopped having transmission problems.