Kettlebell workouts

MKknits Posts: 184 Member
I bought a kettlebell forever ago and never used it. But I've been using it the last few weeks and I'm enjoying it. So far I've tried Jillian Michaels and found that she transitioned too quickly plus I'm not fit enough to do full turkish get ups (and as minor as it is it really annoys me that she doesn't do all of the sets with you but wanders around talking I feel like she loses count and I end up doing more reps on one side then the other). I've tried Fitness Blenders Beginners and that is a better fit but I feel like my form is way way off and there isn't much coaching about form, and then there were a few other random workouts I've found that I've tried. Nothing really feels like it fits yet I want something that is true kettlebell and focuses on form and not just doing it fast like Jillian does. I need it to be easy to move up in intensity but not start too hard - I'm way out of shape and very overweight. My Y does not have kettlebells and does not offer classes. Can anyone recommend some other DVD sets to check out?


  • Lizajayne23
    Lizajayne23 Posts: 123 Member
    Now that I've ventured into other kettlebell workouts, I see now why everyone says to avoid Jillian's. I started out doing it with a dumbbell and probably will continue that way when I get the urge to do it again. I just didn't feel right doing it with a kettlebell...

    I've found some workouts on Youtube. Ryan Shanahan (also Ryan Raw) is the guy who did Kettleworx. He has some short Youtube workouts and a site with paid subscriptions, as well. I also saw a couple of kettlebell workouts with Bob Harper.

    I'm thinking of trying They are supposed to have tons of workouts and instructional videos.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you I will check those out.
  • taravernier
    taravernier Posts: 12 Member
    There are a few people I would suggest. For form I would encourage you to look up Lauren Brooks on YouTube. She breaks down each exercise and does a great job explaining them. She also has great DVDs. Personally I would stay away from many of the "popular" kettle bell programs as most of those trainers really haven't learned the proper technics.. they more have been jumping on bandwagon. Neghar Fonooni and Pat Flynn have some great workouts but no one beats Lauren for beginner break downs of the movements, IMHO.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Thank you I will check those out.

    Paul Katami - he really is good, one section of his DVD is devoted to learning kettle bell form. He also empathizes not to move on to the second part - the actual exercises - until you are comfortable. Give him a try. I bought mine from colleagevideo, they have gone out of business, so try amazon.

    I love doing PK's kettle bell DVDs - excellent workout and I do feel it the next day.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    Awesome thank you guys! I will check all of these out!