OMG UNDEReating?! Did I just have an Ah Ha moment??



  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    Everyone has already given great advice, but I will only say one thing - lower fat milk may not actually be helpful. I know opinions are split on this and reducing unnecessary calories makes sense, but the fat present helps absorb the vitamins milk provides. It's actually more beneficial to eat/drink full fat dairy, imo, and cut elsewhere.

    But overall, it sounds like you have a healthy approach. What has worked for me is to get an actual TDEE via my fitbit and adjust my calories to keep around a 1,000 calorie deficit from that number. It's not always perfect, but I've been steadily losing weight with this approach, without creating too big a deficit (and eating delicious, delicious sweets). Just another idea to kick around. Good luck!
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Just wanted to add that as a fat person who is very fit (and have been fit and fat for many years) I believe that the burns are WAY overestimated for me. I think the machines and MFP imagine that I am 200+ pounds of huffing flab and that I haven't exercised since I was a kid. Map My Run is the worst! You get more efficient the fitter you are so if you have been working out for many months, my guess is that you are burning more like a smaller, fitter person.