Abs, Legs, & Cardio.

I have several questions about three different areas. Background information: 23 years old. Female. 5'3. 128 lbs. 1600 cals a day, attempting 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats (I get pretty close but never exact). I do split body workout.

Day 1 – Upper
*Bench Press 3x8-10
* DB Front Raise 3x8-10
* Seated Row 3x8-12
*DB Curl 4x6-8

*Cardio – C25K

Day 2 – Lower

*Squat 3x8-10
*Lying leg curl 3x8-12
*Leg extension 3x12-15
*Hip thrust 3x8-10

Day 3
* Cardio : C25k

Day 4 - Upper
*Shldr Press 3x8-10
*DB Lateral Raise 3x8-10
*Lat Pulldown 3x8-12
*Tricep Pushdown 4x6-8
*Cardio: C25K

Day 5 - Lower
*Deadlift 3x8-10
*Leg Press 3x8-10
*Lunges 3x 10 steps (with weight)
*Leg extension 3x12-15
*Lying Leg Curl 3x8-10

My goals: Slim down & get toned.

I know you're not suppose to do cardio on lift days but it's the only way I can fit it in. I usually lift, then go straight to cardio on Days 1, 3, & 4.

So my quesitons...

1. Ab Workout

I'm kind of winging the ab workout. Any suggestions? By abs I mean, obliques, upper abs, lower abs, and getting rid of my love handles.

2. Legs

When I do my squats even with lighter weight one of my knees tends to bend inward. I know it's because my inner thigh muscle is weak. From the reading I've done, I need to put in some work on adductor/abductor machine. Suggestions of when to fit this in?

3. Cardio

I keep reading it's not really necessary to do cardio as long as I eat at a deficit, which I do but I have a good amount of fat around my belly / love handles. I need to cut fat down.


  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
  • meankeen
    meankeen Posts: 49 Member
    Are you a clown? Taking a look at your fitness program at day 1 you don't stimulate your chest as much. I recommend doing more chest workouts. And combine chest workouts with triceps, and your back with biceps.

    I'm not going to go into detail about programs, as there are many out there on the web.

    If your goal is to get toned eat a calorie deficit and workout. Cardio isn't necessary, like you said IF you eat in a calorie deficit. However, cardio IS healthy and I recommend doing it anyway for 20 minutes a day (a moderate run).

    I advice you do squats anyway. They're the best exercise along with deadlifting and benchpressing.

    About your program, You could do a 4 day-split with each day 60 mins. lifting. Your 4 day split will only consist out of benchpressing, deadlift and squats. For about 3 months, after that you can start isolating your arms and stuff.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    @meankeen no need to ask if OP is a clown...jeez she is a young women here asking questions because she wants to know and may not be familiar with weight training ....

    To OP not sure where you got this program or why you chose a split...are you experienced with weight lifting? did someone make this program or did you?

    My suggestion would be to get a progressive load compound lift routine such as Starting strength or strong lifts.

    3x a week and it hits all the muscles including abs. If you like cardio continue to do it after you lift or on your off days.

    As well to lose fat you need a calorie deficet and based on your weight/height a 10% deficet would be fine.

    As for the squats they are important and if you want to strengthen the inner muscle try widening your stance a bit while doing squats toes pointed out....and try sumo deadlifts...concentrate on form when doing squats before upping weights.
  • meankeen
    meankeen Posts: 49 Member
    @meankeen no need to ask if OP is a clown...jeez she is a young women here asking questions because she wants to know and may not be familiar with weight training ....

    To OP not sure where you got this program or why you chose a split...are you experienced with weight lifting? did someone make this program or did you?

    My suggestion would be to get a progressive load compound lift routine such as Starting strength or strong lifts.

    3x a week and it hits all the muscles including abs. If you like cardio continue to do it after you lift or on your off days.

    As well to lose fat you need a calorie deficet and based on your weight/height a 10% deficet would be fine.

    As for the squats they are important and if you want to strengthen the inner muscle try widening your stance a bit while doing squats toes pointed out....and try sumo deadlifts...concentrate on form when doing squats before upping weights.

    You're right, that wasn't necessary. Just get pissed sometimes why people don't do a bit of research before asking for advice. Sorry OP!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Usually when your knees cave in during squats it is from weak glutes. You should add some glute specific exercises like BB glute bridges, BB hip thrusts, x band walks to help activate and strengthen your glutes. Check out Bret Contreras. He has tins if glute specific info and research on his site and in his books.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Oh Bret also has full body glute-centric heavy lifting programs in his book Strong Curves which I strongly recommend
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    @meankeen no need to ask if OP is a clown...jeez she is a young women here asking questions because she wants to know and may not be familiar with weight training ....

    To OP not sure where you got this program or why you chose a split...are you experienced with weight lifting? did someone make this program or did you?

    My suggestion would be to get a progressive load compound lift routine such as Starting strength or strong lifts.

    3x a week and it hits all the muscles including abs. If you like cardio continue to do it after you lift or on your off days.

    As well to lose fat you need a calorie deficet and based on your weight/height a 10% deficet would be fine.

    As for the squats they are important and if you want to strengthen the inner muscle try widening your stance a bit while doing squats toes pointed out....and try sumo deadlifts...concentrate on form when doing squats before upping weights.

    You're right, that wasn't necessary. Just get pissed sometimes why people don't do a bit of research before asking for advice. Sorry OP!

    You're correct in that your comment was unnecessary. I did do research, unfortunately due to fad diets, fad exercises, different goals, different body types, different availability, etc. I found conflicting information. I do however appreciate your apology but I would like to point out a few points to you and to anyone else who might "get pissed" at newbie questions.

    This is a forum. The majority of users and posts are by inexperienced, out of shape individuals, or newly fit people. I'm 99% sure I vsn find at least 100 sites saying if you cut fruit out of your diet, you'll shed pounds or that hydroxicut is the most effective way to go. I can also probanly find sites saying that cross fit is the best thing ever or only doing cardio will put you in the best shape of your life.

    Different goals, different people, and paid testimonials. Unless someone gets on here and says they're only going to eat one food and never exercise to look like a professional body builder, refrain from the name calling. If a post on a forum upsets you so much, don't respond.

    To the other poster, a friend who is much more experienced than me made the routine. Maybe, they were being co servative? Or jumped the gun? Idk. Also, 10% deficit. By maintenance calories? Tdee? Or what?

    I kind of like cardio but can't fit it in all the time but I'm becoming mildly interested in 5ks.
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm not sure who told you to eat 10% less, I didn't see that. I even went back and skimmed.

    But, typically, you eat 15 to 20% below TDEE. 15% if you don't have much to lose, like 5 to 10 lbs. 20% if you have more than that to lose.

    Much of how you approach exercise depends on your goals. Many people here on this specific site, find lifting heavy weight produces the best result. However, that's not the only way to achieve your goals. My GF is a runner. That's what she loves to do and she runs a lot. She runs, and compliments that with yoga. That's her exercise. She stays in shape and is fit as hell.

    If you want to emphasize running, then do that. You don't HAVE to lift if you don't enjoy it. Sometimes this site sucks because instead of being advocates for health and nutrition, people argue about carbs and heavy lifting. The best exercise is the one you do, you love, and that helps you reach your goals.

    I started out as a runner. Now, I lift heavy. I stopped lifting for a while to train for a half marathon. Some people can do both, but I can't. I tried and was over-training my body. So, I did smaller lifts like twice a week and ran 4 days a week. Now, I lift 4 days a week, do yoga 5 days a week, and will be adding cardio as well. But, that could change and turn into volleyball or something. It doesn't matter. The key is being active. But, really knowing what you want to achieve is the first step. But, just understand that "what you want" can change over time. And, there's plenty of time to do many different things...run marathons, training for power-lifting competitions, or just get fit.

    I say, don't put too much credence in what people here say. Find your own groove and don't let people distract you.

    Thank you.

    "As well to lose fat you need a calorie deficet and based on your weight/height a 10% deficet would be fine. "

    I ENJOY lifting and lifting as heavy as I can with the workout I listed. I started doing cardio to help with the fat loss. Originally, I used the elliptical and did interval training but I got burnt out on that quick. Now I run using the C25K app, it's nice and lets me progress at my own pace. I can't decide how I feel about cardio, it's a love hate relationship.