what if you dont have gym access?

Hi everyone. I wanted to ask if anyone had good ideas for people that dont have gym access. ive always worked out at the gym and couldnt keep up motivation working out at home. recently lost my job and cant afford a gym. anyone else work out without gym equipment? I have a good bit of weight to lose and i want to tone up everywhere. thank you!


  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    DVD's! I've got Rockin Body with Shaun T and LOVE It! Thinking of T25 Next, Beach Body has some awesome workouts that produce awesome results! I am on a journey to lose 100+ lbs! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • S4M4N7H4
    S4M4N7H4 Posts: 12 Member
    There aRe lots of free apps if you have iTunes...
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I use DVDs and walking/running, I had a gym for three months and never liked it.
  • yuuen
    yuuen Posts: 114 Member
    I hate gyms but it hasn't stopped me from finding ways to work out. If being inside bothers you, find an activity outside or elsewhere. For me, it's hiking. I didn't think I would (I'm the opposite of outdoorsy), but somehow it became my thing. Experiment!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Free phone apps
    Workout Videos on youtube
    Workout DVD's (beach body has a really good variety)
    Going outside when the weather is nice for a walk or run
    I used the Xbox Kinect for awhile.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    I have never been to a gym, because I'm not interested in them. I got my workout DVD's off of eBay. You can also get Jillian Michaael's DVD's from Target, Walmart or other department stores. I have P90X, Les Mills Combat, and Insanity, along with Jillian's 30 day shred and other's. Think of it as investment in your health, so you can continue on living and be healthy. :)
  • nobleh5
    nobleh5 Posts: 47 Member
    I am in a fitness group with some awesome people. It is free and there is always good advice.
    We would love to have you and help you along this journey!
  • Thatsmywrapgirl
    You can do all the insanity workouts from YouTube for free! I use them! Just search for Insanity day 1, day 2 and so on. What you'll find are people who are doing the workout but have recorded themselves doing it for you :-) you can get the calendar and such online.
  • littleprim
    littleprim Posts: 25 Member
    i look up tags on pinterest and tumblr, like 'fit' 'fitspo' 'health' 'fitlbr' 'workout' etc, anything you think might come up with something, and then i've found a lot of workout ideas there!
    i find it easier to stick to if someone else makes up the plan.you can do multiple ones and do them as many times as necessary depending on your fitness level and goals with loud music playing :3 it's pretty fun~
    i just saved a few recently and pinned them all here http://www.pinterest.com/luxinvictus/fitspo/
    and then of course running/sprinting outside.i tell myself i am in superhero training...that's usually the most motivating xD
  • annie61702
    annie61702 Posts: 120 Member
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    There's an app called SworkIt that is free and syncs with MFP. You may want to give that a try. It has cardio and strength training in it. The strength training uses your own bodyweight.
  • KaiserNiner
    KaiserNiner Posts: 19 Member
    Just watch tv, hey. Grab a pair of weights, devise a small super-set and watch tv while you work out. Suddenly you've been working out for forty minutes. The time flies.

    My favourite is BBC news with trance, techno, and hard-house playing alongside. Or whatever sound gets you psyched...
  • dintentions3
    dintentions3 Posts: 43 Member
    sure. ill take any support i can get :)
  • dintentions3
    dintentions3 Posts: 43 Member
    thank you all. I did a couple youtube workouts last night and have been riding my bike and walking a lot so hopefully that will help
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    As others have said, there are lots of free apps and Youtube channels. I rely mostly on JM DVDs; I like going to the gym, but parking is a hassle and it's often more convenient for my schedule to just squeeze in an at-home workout before or after work. You can get a lot of workouts that used to be available only on DVD online now for free, which is great. That way you get a lot of variety.

    I also try to walk wherever I can around town, weather permitting, in order to shave off extra calories throughout the day.

    If you're an avid TV watcher, a friend of mine recommended designing your own workout program around your favorite show. This works best with shows that have fairly predictable elements or tropes (e.g., reality TV). You make a checklist and have to do a different exercise whenever something happens in the show. For example, let's take 'The Office" (US Version). Whenever Dwight says "Michael!" (which is fairly common), you do a low intensity exercise, like 10 bicep curls. Whenever something less common happens (e.g., Michael says something mean to Toby), you do something a bit more intense, like 5 burpees. Essentially, you adjust the intensity based on how frequently things happen in the show. It's a good way to "sneak in" 30-45 minutes of exercise, like someone else said above.

    Best of luck to you! I used to not have gym access and thought I "couldn't work out" because I didn't like to run, but there are really lots of options out there for every lifestyle.