Why is this so hard???



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I thought this was going to be about something completely different......
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    The other thing for me, and this is so effing cliched at this point - is that weight loss is a lifestyle change. I no longer diet or do anything I can't do long-term. So I eat sweets and treats and fast foods. I have cut back significantly to what I used to eat, I do very frequently opt for fresh, whole foods, I have adapted my diet to a healthier form of nutrition, but that's as a consequence of wanting generally to be healthier. But I don't want never to eat cheese again, you know? I can reduce my intake of cake and choose to make room or not, but there are days where CAKE. It's about finding your own path and what is sustainable in the long term. Building new habits takes time, changing old habits takes time.

    If you are determined to take control now, then start small. It doesn't have to be All The Things Now. Start by adding a walk to your day, or by adding two servings of vegetables or eating one less thing that is of lower nutritional quality. Set a goal for a week to plan your meals or to stick to 1800 calories or whatever. Every piece fits together like a puzzle, builds upon itself. Identify your goals and figure out a realistic approach. Sometimes what happens is that people hear you can safely lose 1-2 lbs per week and after a week or two of restrictive eating, they don't understand why it's not working - well, it's not working because you can't create that deficit safely where you are at. If you only need to lose 10 lbs, it's going to be a slow loss, should be about half a pound per week. Think of it as a 3-4 month project, rather than something that should happen in 5 weeks. Eat a bit closer to your maintenance levels, figure out a realistic plan and maybe consider a weekly approach, instead of a daily approach - that may give you some flexibility to have days of higher indulgence without guilt.

    But in the end, it will still come down to personal responsibility and choice.
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member

  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    How did you arrive at this "feel good" weight? I'm slightly curious how a particular number on the scale is going to some how make you feel so much better.

    What if you've gotten smaller and your clothes are fitting better, but you are still not at that number? Would you feel like you've failed?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I want to drop 10 lbs. to reach my "feel good" weight. I do well for a few days and then lose control and eat whatever is in my sight. I am allowing myself 1600 cal/day and I do not deprive myself. If I want a Snickers bar after dinner, I have one...I just make sure to work it into my calorie allowance. So, why can't I stick with it?

    I get so mad at myself and then wake up the next morning feeling guilty and depressed. Losing weight is so hard!! At least it is for me. :(

    It would be easier to give you advice if we could view your diary...
    What do you mean by "losing control"? Are you actually going over your 1600 per day limit? Are you sure that's enough calories for you? With less to lose a 1/2 pound per week goal is best. Are you eating back at least 1/2 of earned exercise calories? Are you weighing and measuring foods so you're sure that you're logging accurately or are you guesstimating? Do you log foods consistently?

    What's your trigger - Is it stress? Just bad habits? Boredom? Could you get tempting foods out of your house so you're less likely to binge?

    And why are these last 10 pounds so important? Do you really need to get to that weight or do you just need to firm up a bit with some different exercises?