Finding it Hard

I'm not sure if its my age or that I have an incredibly slow non responsive metabolism!

I've been on this fitness journey for well over 6 months and nothing seems to move those scales ...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated



  • 40Jamieful
    40Jamieful Posts: 28 Member
    Hi MrsMX,
    I have read that getting the proper amount of sleep is good for one's metabolism and that most people find it hard to get enough sleep.
    My doctor says to add movement throughout the day to help my metabolism. He also said that our bodies hate to be deprived, and to increase exercise slowly.
    There's one thing I know, that giving up the fitness journey is disastrous! So, I hope you find a way to succeed with your goals.
    Warm regards,
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Well, it's hard to help you when you don't give us any information.

    How much do you eat? How much water do you drink? Do you measure your food? How much sleep do you get? Do you exercise?

    All of those things will greatly affect your metabolism. If you don't give us information, we can't offer advice.
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    Well, it's hard to help you when you don't give us any information.

    How much do you eat? How much water do you drink? Do you measure your food? How much sleep do you get? Do you exercise?

    All of those things will greatly affect your metabolism. If you don't give us information, we can't offer advice.

    information does help :) Sorry!

    I've been on 1500 calories for a long time now ...
    although this past few weeks I have fallen off the wagon (climbing back up now)

    drink 10 glasses of water minimum daily ...
    I measure food randomly and have been guilty of being a bit complacent on the weekends
    with drinking alcohol etc ....

    For the past few months I was going to gym every night..
    Doing Boxercise twice a week ..
    cycling 16k. 9 miles once a week
    walking and random running twice a week
    small amount of weights at gym
    along with 20 minutes of treadmill, 20 of elliptical strider ...

    The scales never moved ...

    Last year I was cycling daily and doing Jillian Michaels several times a week
    along with weights and walks ...

    This past few weeks I have thought of giving it all up and have been slack ... gained 5 kilo (OUCH)

    I don't want to throw in the towel ..
    My life has been like an upside down cake with the good bits
    on the bottom and the last part for me to get it right is to regain some control over my body ...

    I'm off the alcohol which was only a weekend thing but is not helping so it can go....
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    Hi MrsMX,
    I have read that getting the proper amount of sleep is good for one's metabolism and that most people find it hard to get enough sleep.
    My doctor says to add movement throughout the day to help my metabolism. He also said that our bodies hate to be deprived, and to increase exercise slowly.
    There's one thing I know, that giving up the fitness journey is disastrous! So, I hope you find a way to succeed with your goals.
    Warm regards,

    I do get plenty of sleep and I exercise a lot,
    at least I did up until 3 weeks ago ...

    thank you
    I definitely cant give up so I need to interact more or find something that works
  • OneDayFree
    OneDayFree Posts: 11 Member
    I watch my carb intake. I eat half of what they recommend and a lot more protein too. I have lost 60 pounds doing this diet but when I stop watching my carb intake it comes right back on. It took me 6 months of real hard work and I lost the weight. You can too. :smile:
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    I will work on that carb theory and also push myself a bit more with not taking weekends off ...

    We often go dirt bike riding on weekends and it ends in a social gathering and drinks ... I will avoid the drinks!

    I've got to do this :)
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Talk to your doctor and get your thyroid tested. If it's fine, start measuring religiously. You're probably consuming more than you realize.
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    Talk to your doctor and get your thyroid tested. If it's fine, start measuring religiously. You're probably consuming more than you realize.

    hope its consuming more than the others and will get it checked ... thanks