Do you guys plan or grab?

slimmingsiobhan Posts: 54
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hi guys,

Having a really tough few days sticking to my calorie goal & I think a lot of it is due to time-of-the-month approaching but more-so that I am sooo pants at planning and/or sticking to my meals I've decided upon!

So, do you guys plan or grab?

I'm trying for 1200 cals a day, anyone on a similar amount pleeasee share a typical day of urs with me :-) thanks a million.



  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I kind of do both ... I grab, but when I do my grocery shopping I plan on keeping stuff around that is good to grab. :wink:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I eat pretty well the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch (i have 2 staples for each and generally switch back and forth).... I plan about 85% of the time for my dinners... Usually a salad with some kind of spicy, delicious protein on the side or a stew/stir-fry with tons of veggies and a protein. Usually hit between 1200-1400 cals a day. I have TONS of recipes that I would be happy to share - I am a total foodie! Depends on how much time you want to devote to cooking though. I'll friend you - my diary is open for all to see :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I do both! I plan my weeks out ahead of time and grocery shop (sticking to my list) once a week, but when I shop, I buy healthy foods that I can grab when I need to munch on something.

    I'm on 1200 cals/day plus 50-75% of exercise calories - no trouble sticking to it, and I'm losing weight regularly.

    Feel free to look at my diary - it's public.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    i always plan for sure. you cant track as easily if you dont. if you went on a trip would you map out your directions or fly by the seat of your pants? you would plan. so if you are having a hard time sticking with it try it for a wk to get in the habit. it makes it so much easier to stay on track for me personally. when i dont, i always go over my 1200. if i want something different than what i have planned, i make sure that it is the same calorie amount.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I plan... but also leave a few hundred calories for "grab" snacks and try to have nutritious options available.

    You are welcome to check out my food diary... I have about 1500/day allotted but usually eat somewhere between 1200-1500. I just know I'd have a harder time sticking with this if I set it on 1200 for every day!

    Good salty snacks: popcorn!, sunflower seeds
    Good chocolaty/sweet snacks: Good quality dark chocolate (so you don't want to eat as much!), semisweet chocolate chips mixed in with popcorn or nuts (portioned out because that is really easy to go over goal with)... and, lately, iced coffee! :) I made a yummy version for snack today for about 50 calories... and probably could have done with 1/2 as much of the parts that contributed calories.
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    I don't even cook. I keep lean cuisines, etc. in the freezer for days we don't go out, but we eat out most of the time. I'm just really careful wherever I go....chicken breast, steamed veggies, etc. I even bring my own salad dressings, ff mayo, butter buds, etc. You can get travel size of everything at
  • I have to admit that the weeks I am successful are the weeks I plan. I make a fresh quinoa salad and package it in 1 cup portions for the work week. It is a lifesaver and there are multiple recipes online.

    However, that being said, i also plan to grab. I know if I dont have time to plan, I have pre-planned where I can grab, (if that makes sense). That way I make more good choices than not and stay within 1200 - 1300 cals/day which is giving me a modest but repectable weight loss. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    I also kind of do both, I do really well grocery shopping and then plan dinners by what I want that day out of what we have on hand. I also don't shop when I'm hungry anymore, if I need something for a recipe last minute my hubby will pick it up on his way home from work so I an avoid temptation. I'm on 1250 a day, and just learning to balance out with my exercise calories so its a little rough some days, but I want this badly enough to get it.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i do both. i plan my supper menu each week (stop by my blog, the link is in my signature) but if we don't feel like something, it changes. :) lunch and breakfast are a lot more random. i like feeling full (i's rather eat three large meals instead of six small ones), so i rarely 'snack'. the combination of plan and grab works pretty well for me.
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    I try to plan my meals especially on the weekends, we tend to go out a lot with the grandkids, so I kinda of explore different restaurants and check out the menu and decide what I'll eat before hand. Keeps me from going of that looks good and then coming home and going "oops" I went over.
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    I eat the same breakfast most days, and plan that. I eat 5 times a day at least so try to make a\ll below 300cals (there abouts). I have least control over my supper (last meal) as hubby cooks it for me for when I get and he doesnt really grasp that cause I eat so often, that bit of extra cheese messes me up!!!! I am also questioning him on what goes into stuff and sometimes feel ungrateful as he has made so much effert.. I shouldnt complain!!!
    So I do plan how many cals in each meal and as I have the iphone app im constantly aware of how many cals left and ease oof on some meals where necessary.
    I am always looking diaries for inspiration though!!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    well, since I work fulltime, i have to plan most of my foods for the day. and of course, I'm the cook in the house, so i plan dinner, too.

    I'm also on a 1200 calorie diet, and this is what I'm eating this week

    1 organic scrambled egg
    1 vitatop
    banana (didn't eat it today)

    usually drink a green tea or espresso w/ that

    100 calorie pack of almonds for snack

    Turkey breast, spinach, tomato, 1 string cheese, shredded, on a flat out flat bread

    Yoplait light-fat free yogurt for a snack

    Dinner - I plan what i eat at dinner around how well i did at sticking to my plan, it's hard not to nibble when I'm fixing the kids a snack after work, but I've been giving them fruits lately, so it's not so bad - last night it was grilled chicken with a salad and balsamic vinagrette dressing; tonight we're having homemade chicken "fried" rice - full of yummy sauteed veggies.

    Dessert - if i have any calories left over, my #1 choice is ice cream, if i workout, i usually can have that :)
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