Looking for some suggestions on weight gain.

Hello Guys.

I am a new member of Fitness pal and I am really happy to be a part of this fitness club.
I was really looking forward to take some advice from you guys for gaining weight..

I am 26 yrs old, my height is 186 cms and I weigh 61.5 Kgs. I have Irritable bowel syndome which keeps disturbing my diet once a month atleast. But my diet intake is really good and metabolism is super fast. My meals include.. bagrry's muesli...egg's white...bananas..milk...oat biscuits...veggies...whole wheat bread...boiled white rice... chicken twice a week... and Mass gainer. I have joined gym 10 days ago with an intention to gain muscle weight.

So do you guys think my food intake is healthy and would lead to weight gain with my regular gyming?

Please do advice me whatever you guys feel would help me with the same..

Thank you


  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Do yourself the best favour and head over to www.iifym.com and use those calculators there to find out exactly how much you should be eating in conjunction with your body stats and exercise regime.

    Considering you say you have a very fast metabolism, I'd set 'bulking method' to either textbook or aggressive. Set your protein goals to 1g = to 1lb of body weight.

    I started at 62kg myself 3 and a half years ago, and am sitting at 74kg at the moment, currently cutting.

    If you have any other questions please feel free to ask, or pop me a message or invite for more advice and detail :)

  • Heya

    I have started with good amount of protein and carb diet. I am lil concerned about my diet since I have irritable bowel syndrome. So sometimes its hard to digest so much of protein. Though I have taken probiotic mass gainer which is easy to digest and has good bacteria.
    I hope eating too many eggs or other protein foods won't upset my stomach. Shall I start increasing my protein intake slowly rather then adding it suddenly into my diet plan which my stomach might react in a negative way.?
  • Christophe2Fit
    Christophe2Fit Posts: 26 Member
    Hi bro,

    You are probably ectomorph,
    The type that can eat the full cow, don't get fat.

    So, to say, you need 2 things, I've learn, eat before you brush your teeth to go to bed to avoid catabolism, then do weight lifting.
    There is no over east to gain healthy weight, you should not need cardio.
    If you would be short and large, you would have need both cardio and weight, and also a controlled diet.
    Just make sure you eat enough protein.

    Anything otherwise
    1g of fat = 9calories
    1g of alcohol = 7cal
    1g of carb or protein = 4cal

    Carb is energy to burn fat.
  • Christophe2Fit
    Christophe2Fit Posts: 26 Member
    You got IBS, I'm really sorry.

    I don't know, I've read protein trigger constipation, and fiber diarrhea.

    Lentils are high in both. Also you can find fiber and protein in power (whey, soybean).
  • Hey man,

    Thank you for your valuable reply. Its of great help.. Its quite sad that I have this freaking IBS thing... which i realized last year.. Thats true.. I have been having loads of Protein and since then I have been constipated. Now since you told me I can understand why i have been constipated. So its because of my protein Intake. Whereas protein is required to build muscles.. Its irritating...

    So now I am confused what to eat while weight exercise.. coz both fiber and protein will trigger IBS..
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    Try flax seed...comes in all kinds of forms. Actual seed, liquid, and pill. It should help with the protein digestion.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    I hope eating too many eggs or other protein foods won't upset my stomach. Shall I start increasing my protein intake slowly rather then adding it suddenly into my diet plan which my stomach might react in a negative way.?

    IMHO you need to use an "elimination diet" type of approach but to be up front, I don't have any experience with IBS. Hopefully someone will come along that has actually experienced it for themselves and they can comment.

    I know it sounds boring, but it will pay off in the long run. You need to find what triggers your IBS. Start just eating the same basic foods for a couple weeks or so to establish a baseline. Something like chicken (protein), rice and vegetables (carb), flax seed / oil / butter (fat) to hit your macros.

    Once you establish that these basic foods dont' trigger your IBS then systematically add others and see if it causes a flare up. Over time you should be able to get a better feel for what to avoid.