Want to lose 21.5kg and looking for active friends

raxa_j Posts: 3 Member
Hi all,

I am 31 and mom of 3 beautiful daughters. I want to lose 21.5kg to get into shape I always dreamed about and be as an example for my girls. Looking for friends who can support me as I have been struggling to keep to my goal lately. Ready to provide active support to my weight loss friends.


  • Phoenix8462
    Phoenix8462 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Raxa,

    I have added you as a friend, my goal is to loose around 17 Kgs. I want to add friends too for encouragement. I have a Thyroid problem and loosing weight is quiet a challenge for me.
    Lets work on weight loss together :smile:
  • raxa_j
    raxa_j Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Phoenix,

    I also have Thyroid problem. Will be happy to be on friend with you and work together on our weight loss goals.