A Cheat Meal IS a Cheat Meal



  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I correlate "cheat days" with "clean" eating.

    Both poor practices.

    These "clean" eaters WILL go crazy without a "cheat day" because they havent learned jack **** about moderation. They learned two extremes.

    I've seen the two intertwined many times. Im not saying all clean eaters have cheat days or all people who have cheat days are "clean" eaters, but, they commonly sync.

    I balance my week,period... youd probably say I have more than two "cheat meals" a week.. i wouldnt cuz thats not how I approach things.. I enjoy life, period..

    That is not my understanding of clean eating. Clean eating (for me) has to do with having high food quality standards and an absence of food additives that exist solely to prolong the shelf life of the product. It has nothing to do with volume nor does it trigger "binging".

    Correct, avoiding food additives as well as pesticide residues and other harmful residues like antibiotics is what clean eating is about. Why it is viewed as an extreme is beyond me. I don't want certain harmful ingredients in my foods which is no different than someone saying they don't want to eat something because it has too many calories. As far as sustainability goes, we have been eating clean for over 30 years, raised our kids eating clean and we are still going strong eating clean. It must be the old hippy in us :)

    BTW, you can eat clean and still be over or under weigh although since there is a greater awareness of your food, it' may not be as common for either.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I like to eat at least one Kitten Strangulation Meal every day. By that I mean a decent amount of whey protein. I think this helps me meet my goals.