how to explain skipping breakfast



  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    I know it's hard not to discuss it with others...

    My mother-in-law bought into some MLM bull**** program that swears to "bust belly fat" by drinking their shakes, cleanse & vegetable/fruit compound.

    It's funny that people think they can defy the laws of science and thermogenesis by drinking what really is a protein shake mix, an enema and some powdered fruits & vegetables.

    We also have had a disagreement about meal timing, calories, exercise and other things that she thinks are right but really are myths. So you know what I did? I quit bringing up / discussing fitness & nutrition around her. If she asks what I'm doing, why I'm eating, when I'm eating, etc. I just tell her that I'm doing nothing new, sticking with the "same thing" I've been doing.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Easy, don't tell people you skip breakfast. I don't really talk to anyone about my dietary habits, nutrition, or fitness unless they specifically ask. The vast majority of people are extraordinarily ignorant when it comes to fitness and nutrition and I know far more than the average Joe/Jane in both such, their opinions are completely pointless and meaningless to me and any discussion with them is for the most part an exercise is derp.
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    The main thing is if it works for you. I've been through phases of no breakfast where I gained, and eating breakfast and I still gained. It's just about organizing things to fit your life/ habits/ body.

    I know there are some diehards out there who are counting down the minutes for each calorie controlled mini-meal, one of five or seven a day. And that's fine if it works.

    Me, I need some flexibilty. As long as I'm hitting goals it's fine. I skip meals if I'm not hungry. I know in about three days time I will need to call on those calories as I'll just want to be an eating machine from 11am-4pm.

    It works for you, let everyone else judge if they must but it doesn't stop you hitting your goals!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't even get why this needs to be an issue. The best way to get people to stop discussing your business is to stop discussing it WITH them.

    This. I'm kind of confused as to how and why this is even coming up...

    For me it comes up when relatives are visiting, when friends or co-workers see my progress and ask "What do eat for breakfast?", when someone tries to give me a great new recipe for a breakfast smoothie or get me to try Shakeology for breakfast.

    I like discussing diet and fitness.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I don't even get why this needs to be an issue. The best way to get people to stop discussing your business is to stop discussing it WITH them.

    This. I'm kind of confused as to how and why this is even coming up...

    For me it comes up when relatives are visiting, when friends or co-workers see my progress and ask "What do eat for breakfast?", when someone tries to give me a great new recipe for a breakfast smoothie or get me to try Shakeology for breakfast.

    I like discussing diet and fitness.

    I like discussing diet and fitness with people who are genuinely interested in diet and fitness. Most of the time, people are not. If I know that I don't share the same philosophy as others, I just smile, thank them for the advice and move on with my day. If coworkers want to hard sell me shakeology and I'm not into it, I just smile, nod, say thank you and go to my desk. Heck, I do CrossFit and paleo is a big deal there. I'm not into it, so I don't engage in the conversation.

    I just refuse to discuss things that I know are going to frustrate me (as in the OP). Life is too short. There are ways to say no positively.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    Don't bother trying. Stick with "I'm just not hungry in the morning". Don't go beyond that.