How often do you weight yourself?



  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    everday first thing but i don't let it get me down or make me excited. i take it as it is and it lets me know where i am going. my official weigh in day is tuesdays and that is when i log it in on mfp.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I weigh myself several times a day. I like to see the fluctuation, but I'm an information junkie. My weight fluctuates about 4lbs a day and I like to see when and think about what I just did; eat, bike, drink water. But if weighing yourself is upsetting at all don't do it every day, the fluctuations could really get you down. I measure my right arm, hips and waist every Saturday morning. Good luck on your journey.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello there and welcome to MFP.

    I use to weigh daily and that got to be too discouraging. Now I weigh 2 to 3 times a week. I record the best weight from Sunday and Monday. I do not measure myself. See below link for more info on when to weigh yourself.
  • Birdnicaj
    I weigh in every morning. If I see any trend that may cause me to gain weight i can adjust my diet or workout accordingly. My weight flunctuates no more than 2 pounds up or down every day. Obsessive? Yup it sure is.
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    We have a weight loss support group once a week at work with a very accurate scale (and a link to a computer to track weight), so my weight there is the value I am using for MFP.

    However, that means weighing in the middle of the day, not the lightest time of the day, so to keep myself motivated I usually also weigh myself before breakfast on my home scale. There is not a very good correlation - a couple of times I have nipped home before going to the meeting and weighed myself and I have noticed my home scale weighs consistently lighter than my real weight (something that seems to be pretty common with home scales.....)
  • Birdnicaj
    Yup, I agree. Every day for me too! Maybe it is a bit OCD but I know my body and I am really keyed into what it is doing. I weigh in up to .2 of a pound so I know the nuances. Why you may ask? Well, not every calorie treats us all the same. By doing it this way I have uncovered the foods that I am sensitive to, the times that I need to be more vigilent than others, as well as when I can go ahead and indulge a bit. Know thy self.......
  • Birdnicaj
    Yup, I agree. Every day for me too! Maybe it is a bit OCD but I know my body and I am really keyed into what it is doing. I weigh in up to .2 of a pound so I know the nuances. Why you may ask? Well, not every calorie treats us all the same. By doing it this way I have uncovered the foods that I am sensitive to, the times that I need to be more vigilent than others, as well as when I can go ahead and indulge a bit. Know thy self.......