Taking up the 5:2 routine

Around October 2013 I decided to start fasting, and I did. In two months I lost a stone going from 10 stone to 9 stone just in time for christmas. I’m 5ft 2 so I was genuinely thrilled to make such headway in such a short amount of time.

My issue is that I really don’t seem to be that good at stopping myself at just the one biscuit, and so I can safely tell you that my non fast days were not always around the 1500-2000 calories mark I set myself. But low and behold, the weight still went.

I made my fasting days fairly repetitive, I would have either a banana or some special k with a low fat yoghurt for breakfast. I would then have a massive salad with nothing else or a weight watchers soup for lunch, and then for dinner I would usually be irresponsible and spend the remainder of my calories of a packet of low calorie popcorn or something because at the end of the day, I would rather that than another salad. I also discovered the Hartleys 10 calorie jelly pots.

I would have liked to continue over christmas but did you see my biscuit comment? It wasn't going to happen, not with a treat table full of goodies in the lounge. And anyway, It was christmas. What I then didn’t expect was to only put on 3 pounds. I ate my way through 2 weeks and only put on 3 pound. I couldn’t believe it.

But now we’re just coming out of March and though i now go to the gym 5 mornings a week, and eat what i'd like to think of as a lot better, I have not picked back up on the 5:2 regime. I went a few times a week for 4 months before christmas but I was going after work, so I’ve swapped to mornings to boost metabolism and all that jazz (a 5.40 start isn’t as bad as it sounds once you are on a treadmill feeling all empowered and stuff). For lent, i gave up my scales but I had maintained the 9 stone 3 i found myself at after christmas. I will be doing 5:2 again, starting today. and when i get them scales back in 4 weeks i hope there is some difference, even if it's not loads. I am building muscle which is something i really have to remember.

I would love to hear about anyone with the same sorts of stats as me, or anyone on the 5:2 or thinking of taking it up. and general success stories! I am keeping a blog of my progress as i feel like talking and writing about it is very helpful for me. I’ll keep you updated!


  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    Hey, I have really similar stats to you I have a little over 5'2" and I am currently at 9.3 (130lbs), I am interested in your success with the 5:2 as I am curious about it's success but worry I won't have enough fuel as I workout 5/6 days a week (CrossFitx3, running, zumba), plus walk wherever possible.

    I cannot get a handle on my snacking, really struggle, for February I gave up most refined sugars/food with added sugar in an attempt to stop my endless reliance on sugary crap. Let me know how goes for you.