TDEE and BMR confusion

BRA_S Posts: 111 Member
I'm sure this question has been posted numerous times but I just wanna make sure I'm doing this right. I'm 5'6 and started at 229 (now 219). I was eating 1500 calories a day from an online calculator that said I should eat that in order to reach my goals. I knew nothing about tdee and bmr until I joined mfp. So my tdee (with exercise level at 5 times a week) is 2599 and my bmr is 1777. So if what I'm understanding is correct, I should be eating at least 1777 calories to keep my body and metabolism functioning the way I need it to. But what I should be eating for weight loss is 2599- 20% (519.8) which equals 2079.2. That seems like a lot of calories for me to be eating. And I don't want to stop seeing results. I played around with the calculator and the lower of a weight I put in the more the number went down. So bottom line, should I really be eating 2079.2 calories a day, and when can I recalculate to make it lower (every 5 pounds, every 10?). Please correct me if I'm wrong. MFP recommends a much lower number for me. I have 80 more pounds to loose and want long term results. Plus where can I find out my daily fat, and carb intake?


  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    since you put in that you exercise already, you wouldn't add your exercises to your log because you are already including those calories that you can eat back. i personally set it to sedentary and add my exercise calories in because my workouts might vary from day to day and some days i won't exercise so i will have less calories to work with on certain days.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    2080 calories/day doesn't seem that high to me, given your size and activity level. Remember that MFP expects you to log your exercise here on the site and will add more calories as you earn them. Unlike the TDEE method, MFP doesn't trust you to actually exercise until you log it. That usually brings the two methods pretty close to each other, assuming each is set up equally.

    It's important to remember that both sites are using estimates and we don't all fit into the neat little calculations they use. It may take a little trial and error to find your sweet spot.

    You'll want to recalculate your goal at least every 10 pounds, whether you use MFP's method or a TDEE method.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    Hi OP!

    I'm also 5'6", and currently at 199 lbs. I went back just to be sure, but I averaged eating between 1950-2165 cal per day over the last month. I exercise 5-6 times a week, about equally split between strength and cardio. I lost 5 lbs last month.

    The numbers work. I agree that it's weird thinking about losing weight on that kind of intake, but really just listen to your body. I eat more on higher cardio days and less on others. I keep track of weekly rather than daily calories, so that if I have some special occasion, I "bank" calories ahead for it (no further ahead than a week though).
  • BRA_S
    BRA_S Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you! very helpful
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Another way to do it is use that same calculator, but put in your GOAL weight. And make sure to add the exercise in there. What that will give you is your TDEE for your GOAL weight. Eat that exact amount (don't eat more if you exercise, don't subtract 20%). And that's the amount of calories you'll need to eat -- on average -- every day for the rest of your life. It will train your brain, eyes and body to accept that amount of calories as the right amount it's going to have every day, for the rest of your life. It's called "eating for the new you."
  • kkurious
    kkurious Posts: 2 Member
    you can bring down the amount as close as you want to your BMR OF 1777 ..... if you don't want to eat ( 2050 calories which I call the sweet spot ) eat 1850 ... for example .. but I will explain why so .. forget about the standard percentage of 15% -20% deficit from your TDEE .. it might be higher then expected ...

    like the other response on your page ... include all you calories you burn in one day and subtract it from your TDEE of 2500 plus ... your going to have to fine tweak it a bit ... so for example you train about 5 times a week , lets say you burn 500 calories per work out plus your daily activity of 500 calories ( going to work ... shopping .. daily stuff .. getting out of bed ) .. adds up to 1000 cals burned in one day ... when you run that number against your TDEE of 2500 plus and BMR of 1777 it gives you 723 for example 2500 - 1777 equals 723 .. ... that number is the max number for calorie DEFICIT .... NO MORE NO LESS ....GOLDEN NUMBER ...CAPEESH ...OK as you can see you've already gone over the limit 723 cals burned ...

    NOW we know you burn 1000 ...

    take 1000 - 723 max calories and subtract it

    gives you 277

    take 277 plus BMR 1777

    gives you 2054 that's your sweet spot

    now I just wanted to break it down to you... you may understand but sometimes its just to re confirm what you already know ....

    in youR case like I said ...subtract half of that number of 277

    equals 138 calories plus 1777 BMR

    OR if you want to be as close to the number as possible eat about 1810 ....

    I actually don't trust the calculators on MFP.. try this calculation which is proven to be more accurate ....

    Calculating Basal Metabolic Rate ...The Harris-Benedict Formula .

    Women: 655 + (9.6 X bodyweight in kg) + (1.8 X height in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)
    then take the number you get and find out your activity level .. that will give you your new TDEE

    activity level .Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little to no exercise) Lightly Active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise: 1-3 days a week) Moderately Active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise: 3-5 days a week) Very Active = BMR X 1.725 (intense exercise: 6-7 days a week) Extremely Active = BMR X 1.9 (intense daily exercise and strenuous physical job