New here. Trouble counting calories on unpackaged foods.

I've recently lost about 25lbs and would like to continue the trend by adding exercise. I noticed MFP is heavy on tracking food. I'm having trouble with this as I'm trying to eliminate processed foods as much as possible and there seems to be nothing but brands(processed foods) in the database.

Anyone have difficulties adding in fresh, unpackaged, non-processed foods and how did you get around that. I started at MFP on 3/25/14 and already didn't meet my 'calorie goal'. It doesn't help that I'm gutted that supposedly, not eating enough calories will cause starvation mode, but then how the heck do I get the weight off if I'm not reducing calories? I can't possibly exercise that much in a day! Help!


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I've recently lost about 25lbs and would like to continue the trend by adding exercise. I noticed MFP is heavy on tracking food. I'm having trouble with this as I'm trying to eliminate processed foods as much as possible and there seems to be nothing but brands(processed foods) in the database.

    Anyone have difficulties adding in fresh, unpackaged, non-processed foods and how did you get around that. I started at MFP on 3/25/14 and already didn't meet my 'calorie goal'. It doesn't help that I'm gutted that supposedly, not eating enough calories will cause starvation mode, but then how the heck do I get the weight off if I'm not reducing calories? I can't possibly exercise that much in a day! Help!

    MFP's database includes tons of entries for fresh ingredients. But you have to include each ingredient separately when you cook a meal. or use the recipe builder to include your own version. For instance, I can't just put "chili" into the search and expect to find exactly what I made last night. I need to measure out each ingredient as I cook and look them up here to make sure my entry is as accurate as possible.

    As for creating a calorie deficit without reducing calories too much, remember that MFP calculates a goal for you with that deficit built in. In fact, it will add more calories onto your goal when you exercise to help keep you at a safe deficit. You don't need to exercise any more or reduce your calories further than the goal it gives you.
  • ladybeanseventy3
    Thanks for the reply. Sigh. Losing weight is harder on the brain than I thought! hehe

    What's got me so confused is that I obviously was at a deficit since the beginning of the year, because I've managed to lose 25 lbs already. Clearly THAT caloric count was also at a deficit, just a higher one than the 1200/day MFP is saying I need now. (Too bad I can't backtrack and add my info as if I'd started back in Jan...)

    But thanks again!
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member

    This link will have a lot of information to help you.

    Depending on how much weight you want to lose, you may want to decrease your weight loss goal to 1-1.5 lbs from 2 lbs. Also try online calculators to find out what your BMR is. You do not want to eat less then your BMR.

    Get a food scale and weigh your foods, only use measuring cups for fluids.

    Hints to search for foods: Foods that have an * by them are added by members, try to find foods without an asterisk, they are added by MFP and are correct. Next best is foods that say USDA. Also search for plural, instead of carrot, search for carrots.

    Take body measurements and photos, sometimes the scale will lie to you. Weight can also fluctuate monthly.

    Also keep in mind a lot of known fitness/health ideas have been proven to be myths. for example drinking8 glasses of water a day. There is no rule on how much to drink, just guidelines and all fluid intake counts towards your hydration or needing to eat breakfast.

    I honestly do not know what you mean by 'starvation mode' but search through threads regarding it to get some good information.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Thanks for the reply. Sigh. Losing weight is harder on the brain than I thought! hehe

    What's got me so confused is that I obviously was at a deficit since the beginning of the year, because I've managed to lose 25 lbs already. Clearly THAT caloric count was also at a deficit, just a higher one than the 1200/day MFP is saying I need now. (Too bad I can't backtrack and add my info as if I'd started back in Jan...)

    But thanks again!

    It's likely you can eat more than 1200 calories and still lose weight.

    Don't be discouraged about the time it takes to log foods. If it's easier for you to eat packaged foods because the calorie count is there and you can just scan it, then do that for now. Once you start logging for a few days, you'll have a list of foods you commonly eat on "Recent foods" and "Frequent Foods" and it will be easier to log.
  • ladybeanseventy3
    Thanks everyone for responding! I guess I'll get this figured out soon enough! :D
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I know how you feel. At the beginning, it was frustrating having to log every single item. My perseverance has paid of as I have my own food data, of over 50 pages. Everything, from a garlic clove, to a chocolate cake. Some days, I use the quick tool, and copy. Having the app on my phone, makes it easier for me to add food on the go. Here's also a website that I find very useful for calculating your TDEE, for instance.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It takes a little time to figure out the system, especially if--like me--you jump right in and don't take the time to read some of the background posts. (Important safety tip I didn't do right away: read the various pinned posts in the Getting Started section.) We're scratch cooks too, and the first few weeks I thought I was going to lose my mind finding ingredients in the database and getting used to weighing things and entering recipes. I also didn't realize you're supposed to eat close to your goal calories, not way under them, and eat back some of what you exercise, so I had a few days wondering why I felt so dizzy. (Important safety tip I didn't know right away: if your net calories are so low that the UN is considering sending food aid to your house, you're doing it wrong.)

    Good luck.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I cook from dinner from scratch most days and having a food scale for dry ingredients and measuring cups/spoons for wet ingredients is essential.

    I either log the individual ingredients (like last night we had pork chops rubbed with balsamic vinegar and seasoned with ginger and rosemary...I logged each item) or create a recipe using recipe builder (use this alot for baked goods and casserole type dishes). I try to take time on the weekends to add recipes (a couple a weekend) so I don't feel like I have to do it the night I am eating that recipe (we menu plan so I know what I have to add for the upcoming week on Saturday).

    For most foods the weight meaurement (Ounces or Grams) is much more reliable than a cup. So weigh that brown rice versus measuring with the cup. This is especially true for things like potatoes or carrots which don't fit neating in any sort of measuring cup. I pretty much only use meaurements like cups and tablespoons for liquids and spices/herbs we use in cooking.

    Ditto on looking for the items without an asterisk.

    Good luck. It seems like alot of work in the beginning but after a while, once you have built up items in your log, it doesn't take much time at all. I log my day in the AM and it takes less that 5 minutes now that I have so many items in by pick list.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I found using the word "raw" helps to find entries easier (ie: carrots raw). This brings up the entries for raw foods first so you don't have to weed through all the entries like "carrots boiled without salt" etc.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I eat a lot of food without labels. As others said, search for foods in the database with no asterisk (which displays only on the web platform, not iPhone).

    Another tip is to search for your food and the word raw.

    For instance:
    carrots raw
    chicken breast raw
    kale raw

    That will usually bring up the standard, USDA data first. Sometimes this is tricky because the standard entry for avocado is plural; same with red pepper. Eventually you'll learn what to search to find a correct entry for your exact item.

    But no - the database does NOT only have packaged food in it. Check out my diary for examples.