facebook doesnt lie

You know when someone tags you in a picture and you are just plain horrified how you look? Well, that was motivation enough for me. I"m not hugely fat but i need to lose a good 45 lbs. I'm 48, am 5"9 and weigh 190. I'd love to be 155 or so again. Really, at this point I'd love to be 175.

I've lost loads of weight in the past but not from my own doing, rather from just stress at the time. I'm one of those rare woman I guess who can't eat when I'm stressed. Anyways, I digress....I need to do this. I know how unhappy I am when i'm overweight. I want to be able to look at myself with pride, not disgust.

I've just joined today and I'm really motivated to get at least 10lbs off by May. I think I can do it and I'd love some friends to take the ride with.

Any takers?


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I'll be starting a new 13-week weight loss challenge on April 4th, look for the "Independence Challenge" group to pop up. Challenge groups are a good way to get group support and accountability, many find it a big help (like weight watcher meetings). When you see the group just hit the join button.
  • upsidedownred
    upsidedownred Posts: 8 Member
    sounds great!
  • tattsb4u
    tattsb4u Posts: 30
    I just started online today....and my goal weight is 155 so I am on board with you! :)
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    I didn't have facebook for a while b/c of some family drama going on, but it took the professional pictures from my friend's wedding to make me realize how bad things had gotten. I thought I looked ok, but in the pictures, I looked pregnant! I was mortified!

    As for stress not-eating... I did the same. And that's what made me put on weight. Almost 30 lbs, to be exact. Not exactly nice when I'm only 5'2" :-/.

    I'd be up for a 10 lb challenge, though! It maye be a bit of a challenge, but I'd be up for it. Friend me?