I just came to say "hello"

Well, I've been listening to that song 5 minutes before I decided to make this post, my name is Karen and I'm trying to get in a better shape since 2011, but I lose my motivation and go after candies and stuff that isn't healthy, that includes that I am a graphic designer and photographer, my office job is so sedentary, I spend so many hours daily in the front of my computer.

I used to go to the gym and do a lot of cardio (spinning, it's my favorite) but I just stopped going.

Now I want to start again, but stay on this. I went to a nutricionist and she gave me a meal plan (I have some gastrointestinal problems), I'm trying to follow the plan and do a little exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

I want to surround myself with motivated people and be a support for each other :)
Have a nice day! :smile: