HELP: What can I do to stick to a meal plan?

I have a meal plan that a nutricionist gave me, but I gotta eat every 3 or 4 hours, that means my food its supposed to be prepared and ready to follow the schedule. This is the second day I'm with this plan, what I did is to prepare the food one night before, but a girl from the gym told me that some people prepare their meals for all the week in sunday and then put them on the freezer.

I have some doubts about this, not feeling full convinced about this idea.
I live in a very hot area, cold food gets warm, hot food gets cold, it tastes horrible.

I'm open to suggestions and tips


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I followed the "prior preparation" food plan.

    I decide what I am going to eat next week and I buy all ingredients on Saturday. I cooked Sunday afternoon and I put them in containers in the freezer. this is usually for lunch since I have to eat it at the office

    I prepare my breakfast every morning ( non instant oatmeal with apple and almond milk . Also separately 1-2 egg whites boiled).

    Dinner time is the catch up part, if I have enough calories left in my day, I get something from the freezer. If not I eat a snack.

    I have snacks at mid morning and mid afternoon, usually raw fruit, or greek yogurt or beef jerky.

    Hope it helps
  • tealgrove
    tealgrove Posts: 36 Member
    I prepare food on weekends and freeze. I also buy some pre packed items to just throw in such as 100 calorie packets of almonds, yogurt, applesauce, babybel cheese, protein bars, protein drinks, individual packets of hummus. I boil a few eggs and I prepackage everything so I just have to throw it in the mini cooler to take to work.

    I usually make 2 or 3 different items so that I have a choice and then there's always something that can be heated up right when I get home.

    I have a cooler lunch bag and I throw a cooler pack in there and away I go.