Can't stick to a diet/ struggle with food choices

Hi, I am struggling with what choices to make food wise. I can't follow a strict food plan or a specific "diet" . I struggle with sticking to a calorie control plan. I have tried several over the few years and they didn't work for me. Is there anyone having the same trouble? Is it ok to cut out all sugary food/drinks, everything deep fried, all processed goods and all packed foods other than herbs and spices and just stick with fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains/lentil/beans and fresh white meats and minimal red cuts of meat, removing any extra visual fat? I can't eat spicy food due to I GORD (aka serve reflux), anything with citrus or high acidity, seafood (anything with scales or shells), and I suffer with bloating and water retention quiet a lot, so I tend to avoid pasta, rice, and bread. Any time I have sugar I end up with headaches and migraines. However I am not a celiac or diabetic. I don't have any cravings for these foods I can not eat, I've been like this for quiet a while now, however most days I don't feel like eating at all but know I have to because I start to feel faint, light headed and occasionally dizzy. Should I be leaving eating until I get to this point or try and force myself to eat only to bring the food back up anyway? Can this be out of habit to because I used to physically make myself sick to get rid of food out of my body to lose weight like a belimea or aneroixic person does? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Am I on the right track?


  • DragonSpark
    Eating the foods you're talking about can be done, there's nothing wrong with it. However, regardless of what you do or do not decide to eat, you should probably see a doctor about your reflux problem. It might be a good idea to talk to the doctor about your previous eating disorder and get help with learning when and what to eat. The doctor would probably be able to help you better than a random person on a forum.
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    You don't HAVE to eliminate anything - it's a mind set that you may want to consider. If I really want ice cream or chocolate or a steak - I can have it. I just have to watch my portions and I try to reserve things like that for a treat (once a week maybe - or maybe a little bit of dark chocolate everyday). With your GERD - I second the idea of visiting with your doctor. I would also make sure your doctor knows about your past (and present) eating issues. Maybe a physical is in the works, and that might help you have a better idea of what you want to focus on (weight is only a number), maybe you want to work on feeling healthier instead (feeling faint isn't healthy) and what would "healthier" be for you (a feeling? a mental state? a look?). Perhaps you could find a counselor who is also a nutritionist or at least one who specializes in disordered eating - that might be a great way to help you work on your mind set around food, but also work on making good food choices for you. :-) Best wishes and be healthy!!!
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    I think you need to see a doctor, considering your long list of dietary issues and your history.

    You can do a diet of vegetables (fresh, steamed, boiled etc...), fruit, meat (chicken, turkey. lean red), eggs, yogurt and lose weight if you can keep it around what mfp gives you to have a deficit. Try eating like this for a few days and then see what your calories add up to. You'll see if you need to cut back at all. I don't think you should wait until you feel sick to eat. Eat every 2-4 hours (like 3 meals and snacks for ex). If you find you are eating too many calories and don't have a deficit then add in exercise so that you do.

    If you want to add grains in have you tried oatmeal, popcorn or Kashi bars?