How many times a week do you workout ?



  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I usually shoot for 6 days a week, and my activities vary depending on what's going on in life at that point. For example, I snowboard at least once a week usually so I count that as a workout. Last week for example:

    Monday: SL 5x5
    Tuesday: Run for 30 mins
    Wednesday: SL 5x5
    Thursday: Run for 30 mins
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday: Pop Pilates for 30 mins
    Sunday: Snowboarding for 6 hours

    Sunday's snowboarding session kinna killed my legs so I have been really lazy this week and haven't worked out that's two days off. Back to it this evening, and this is how the rest of the week will probably pan out:

    Monday: Rest
    Tuesday: Rest
    Wednesday: SL 5x5
    Thursday: Run 30 mins
    Friday: SL 5x5
    Saturday: Snowboarding 6 hours
    Sunday: Run 30 mins
  • DrWonga
    DrWonga Posts: 20
    I workout every weekday for 60-80 minutes. If I miss one day, I would go to the gym in the weekend instead. Sometimes I do cardio in the weekend anyway.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I take classes 5 mornings days a week, for an hour each time. Sometimes I do 2 a day and other times I go back at night. If it's a lunch time workout, it's less.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    Wow everyone posting here is so keen. I workout 3/4 days a week which is my goal for March.

    M/W/F I do Stronglifts + about 10km on the stationary bike. I aim to do some form of physical activity on the weekend, whether it be a class or a walk etc. Something fun and different from my weekday schedule.

    I don't think how many times you exercise a week matters as much as consistency. I think you're better off working out a reasonable amount for your personal goals and sticking to it. Better to consistently go once a week to the gym than to burn out after going 10 times a week. Setting your calorie goal to match your activity level is just as important as how many times you manage to work out - at least in my opinion anyway :)