Pooping query



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I lost a lot of weight in an extremely unhealthy way a few months ago (it was completely unintentional weight loss - depression related) and it was a very dark time emotionally for me but the ONE good thing about that dark place was that I was very happy looking in the mirror for the first time in my life. I would like to get back to that feeling but through healthier means. I did it the first time by basically eating nothing and sleeping all the time. I love food way too much to eat nothing, but I figure I can afford to eat healthier and hopefully still regain that happy mirror feeling.

    I can't really understand why you would try and recreate the symptom of a severe mental illness. As you said, you looked like you did because you were eating virtually nothing and sleeping all the time. You can't replicate that look through healthy means because that look was a consequence of ill health in the first place. The happy feeling doesn't come from a number on the scale it comes from enjoying life and enjoying food. You can do that at your current weight (which is already on the low side anyway). Good luck.

    I have to agree here. I suspect you are still dealing with some mental health issues. Perhaps not the same as before, but it seems to me like your symptoms may have evolved into something more serious. You do not need to lose anymore weight. Calling it for the sake of "vanity" reasons doesn't change the fact that you don't NEED to lose anymore weight.
  • MzHornedOne
    MzHornedOne Posts: 71 Member
    I'm not sure how low carb you're looking to go, but Quest Bars have 20g protein, about 20g carbs but with 17g fiber, they're considered "low carb" for low carb diets I think. Like they're low net carbs and help with fiber intake.

    But add half an avocado or something each day at least.

    But actually, eat more food. For real. You can't get proper nutrition for a healthy woman on 1000 calories daily. I mean, I'd change my tune if you were a poor rural woman in a 3rd world country, but I'm thinking you're not.

    I hear you. I'm not too concerned with healthy fats, I love avocado! I make a chocolate avocado pudding that is vegan and mind blowingly good.

    Do you know if the Quest bars are gluten free? I will look into them. Thanks for the suggestions. I am not planning to stay at 1000 forever, just long enough to get a little tighter and then I'll slowly add calories (by the 100) back in week by week until I'm closer to 1500.

    Yes quest bars are gluten free
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    1200 calories a day is advised as the minimum to keep your body from going in to starvation mode. You may feel you're eating enough but your body doesn't. You're putting on weight because your body is trying to store everything you eat to keep it functioning as normally as possible.

    I'd recommed eating healthily like you are but increase your portions slightly to reach the 1200 calorie minimum. I'd do this for a month and see the results. Don't just monitor the scale but also your measurements. Your body will thank you for it in the long run. :smile:

    I've upped my daily to 1200. I can tell my body needs more so I'm working on ignoring the part of my brain that is unwell and just feed my machine so it runs better. Thanks for the advice :)

    Head on over to http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Plug in your numbers, and it will give you your BMR (base metabolic rate), which is how many calories YOUR body burns just lying in bed doing literally nothing all day. This is the minimum number of calories your body requires to regulate your heart, lungs, organs, digestion, skin, etc. If you eat fewer than this number those body systems won't be able to work properly.

    So find your BMR, and make sure you never eat less than that number with any consistency. Try and stay above as much as possible.
  • maskedshoo
    Chia seeds. Trust me. It's a gelatinous fiber so it helps clear out all of that nasty stuff that sticks to the sides of your colon too. Eat a tablespoon of them a day and you will start pooping so much more. They're very filling and keep cravings at bay too!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    came in here expecting Amber to have been the OPP (orig poop poster) (yeah you know me!!!).....didn't happen.....*kicks rocks and walks out* \m/
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    - consuming about 1000cals/day which I know you will all tell me is too low but I have 1600/cal Saturday cheat days (I'm
    Is causing this:
    This is working for me pretty well in terms of eating healthy for the better part of the week, however I find I spend most of the week totally bloated and basically not pooping much at all. (Coffee doesn't help unfortunately) As a result I'm not losing any weight which is obviously very frustrating.

    As far as this goes:
    - exercise 1-2 times a week, mix of cardio and strength training. I can't exercise too much though because I build muscle VERY quickly and end up looking more masculine than I strictly like for my own body.

    Its all in your head. As a woman, especially as a very thin woman at a significant caloric deficit, you are NOT going to bulk. Like... ever. Basically you're saying you want to be bird thin with no muscle, because at your deficit its literally impossible for you to bulk.

    You wanna poop? Eat more. Your body doesnt have any waste because you're too low of a deficit for your size/weight.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    It's a gelatinous fiber so it helps clear out all of that nasty stuff that sticks to the sides of your colon too.

    Scientifically debunked. None of those "cleanses" actually cleanse anything.

  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I like taking the big poops....makes me realize i missed out on a lucrative career as a gay porn star....
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Sounds like you have it covered better now OP. I also suggest more natural methods like other posters have posted versus the meds route. As far as bulking up, why not take pics of your self and compare. This way it gives you a better light on your looks too. Love yourself!! Good luck. :flowerforyou: