Motivated + Competitive Friends Wanted :)

Hey everyone!!

I have just recently committed to logging on MFP daily and have recently returned to the gym and I would love to make some new friends/motivators on MFP!

I am highly competitive and am looking for like minded individuals to help push me (and I'll push back :) ) to keep striving towards the finish line

:) xoxo


  • Dgangaware
    Dgangaware Posts: 24 Member
    Good luck! Please feel free to add me!
  • lmhrn96
    lmhrn96 Posts: 1
    Count me in too! I started using MFP & FitBit Force on 01/01/14. I've become obsessed with eating as healthy/clean as I can. I'm committed to moving more & working out. I've only lost 6#! My efforts are have become my focal point. A colleague who has been very successful has reviewed my data with me & believes that my body has gone into starvation mode & not allowing me to loose weight b/c my calorie burn to calorie intake ratio is so drastically different. I'm very frustrated! So, starting tomorrow, I'm changing things up a bit & hope to see some positive changes. I've joined a new gym that opens in mid April. Until then, I'm walking a few miles each day, using my elliptical & doing T25.
  • xquisiteluv
    xquisiteluv Posts: 82 Member
    Looking for friends as well feel free to add me anyone need the encouragement and motivation keep up the good work you guys we can do it!
  • add me as well,,,:smile: love the words u use competitive and motivated....
  • nbenoist87
    nbenoist87 Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I love some healthy competition :)
  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    add me too:) I've recently gotten back to jogging after a knee injury several years ago, and I'm pushing myself to do a 5K this summer at at least a 10 minute mile pace, which is what I was running before the knee issue. I've been able to get myself back to almost 1/2 an hour of jogging at a time at a 12-12.5 minute mile pace, so I've got a ways to go and would welcome the encouragement, or a verbal kick in the *kitten*:laugh:
  • brandic7
    brandic7 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I am a very competitive person, too, but sometimes lose focus a bit and slide backwards. It's helpful to have extra motivation and I don't always feel like my friends give that to me. I like to run and lift weights and also use a trainer twice a week for some boot camp style workouts...