Best way to lose weight with my diet problem

Hi, I am a 5'7 male and currently weight right around 190 pounds. I am sick of being overweight and i am ready to change. I am starting boxing twice a week and I am eating less/eating better. The only problem is that i hate vegetables except for corn. This is something iv'e struggled with my entire life. What would you guys suggest i do? And is boxing a good way to lose weight and build muscle?
And one more question, about how many pounds will it be until i see a noticeable difference in my body? (I hold most of my weight in my stomach) Thanks for the help and support.


  • wickedpursuit
    wickedpursuit Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, hi!

    Boxing is a great way to build muscle and agility! You might want to add weight-lifting into the routine, too, but it can be a later addition once you feel comfortable with changing things up.

    As for the vegetables thing... I guess that depends on whether or not you can tolerate them being mixed into other foods! If you can't stand them in any form, stick with the corn. If you're okay with them mixed into stuff, try some spinach in scrambled eggs (all cooked together!) or add mixed veggies to a pot of soup. Try different vegetables, like eggplant (baked eggplant? Pretty tasty!) or squash or roasted bell peppers stuffed with something else. Maybe try those V8 juices? They have fruity ones now that are supposed to be awesome - just keep in mind that liquid calories are still calories.

    The most important thing that you'll hear is that the calorie deficit is key - and that's really what it WILL come down to. Just make sure it's a reasonable deficit and you should be okay!

    As for the last... I wish I had an answer. It may take 10-15 pounds before you really notice a shift in your stomach weight, but everywhere else might differ. Really, it depends on what fatty bits your body decides to burn off first - and bodies are notorious for nibbling away at all the places that you aren't as concerned about!
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    A vitamin and mineral supplement will replace most if not all of what you get out of vegetables, except fiber, and you can get that other ways as well (fruit, whole grains, beans, etc).
  • Thimbelinda
    Thimbelinda Posts: 34 Member
    You can hide a lot of veggies in hamburger. I made meatballs with ground carrots and celery. My vegetable hating husband loved them, at least until I told him the truth.
  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    The first time I tried hummus I hated wait, there is a point anyway I hate hummus. Then I tried it again. Still hated it. Tried it again six months later and could sort of tolerate I started eating small amounts. Now I love it.
    I say all of this to say: if you want to learn to like vegetables (and you should because your body will absorb the nutrients waaay better than anything from a supplement Plus they are filling and low cal) then you've just gotta eat the vegetables. Try a little. Wait awhile and try again. Some you will always hate. Some you will become accustomed to and begin to enjoy.