Small Victory!

So, I've been kind of at what I thought was a plateau for the last five weeks. Despite good eating (I adhere to following intuitive eating) the scale moved roughly 2 lbs, but I tried to keep in mind I was doing more weight lifting and to ignore the scale. Despite that 2 lbs wasn't quite rewarding considering I've been walking 2 hrs a day and lifting for 30 mins. With dread I took my measurements and am happy, PROUD actually, to report that in 10 days I have lost 1" off my thighs and 1" off my hips.

To me that is more rewarding than the ever fluctuating, lying box of shame aka the scale. :)


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Woohoo! Also way to stay posative and persisitant. Great base for weight loss. Keep it up!