Problem with my weight loss (Don't laugh)



  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    OP I feel your pain. I'm a chronic tailbone bruiser/breaker. It started when I was about 6 and I didn't put my feet down when coming off a super fast slide at the park. How embarrassing to have my 1st grade teacher have to probe my injury! After that, I usually bruised it every year doing something. At the age of 12 I was up at camp and slipped off the top bunk bed, landed on my tailbone on the headboard of the bed below me and broke it.

    A few years went by and I didn't notice it very often but once in a while it would ache when it rained.

    Bruised it again a couple times in adulthood with stupid falls. And I now I can't ever sit for extended periods of time without it becoming achy. I have to readjust, or get up and walk around.

    This past Fall, I was hiking on a 14er and slipped on some scree and came down hard, again on my tailbone on a jagged rock. I had been avidly working out up to this point and didn't realize how much you use your core and how that is compromised with a tailbone injury. I had to hike down from 13,000 feet and then endure a 2.5 hour car ride home. No bueno!

    It took me about 4 months to really heal, I had to take an inflatable donut seat to work and carry that around with me everywhere I sat.

    It's getting better, but it will always get sore when I sit for extended periods. My goal is to continue to be active but try not to bruise/break it any more times! I have a lot of hikes coming up this year, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    OP I feel your pain. I'm a chronic tailbone bruiser/breaker...

    A few years went by and I didn't notice it very often but once in a while it would ache when it rained...
    It took me about 4 months to really heal, I had to take an inflatable donut seat to work and carry that around with me everywhere I sat....

    It's getting better, but it will always get sore when I sit for extended periods. My goal is to continue to be active but try not to bruise/break it any more times! I have a lot of hikes coming up this year, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

    I'm so sorry. I know what you are going through. Mosy people think I'm crazy. I only injured it once but enough that they suggested removal but I said no. After it stopped aching in 5 yrs I was glad. Not so much now. With my knee surgery in a week I don't look forward to sitting for such long periods but I will endure. A regular donut doesn't work for me because it hits right where one of the breaks occurred. The coccyx pillow is helping some but is better on a hard surface. Will likely add something to it so I don't "sink" so much.

    I hope you don't injure it again. Best of luck.