I need some help about this MFP

So far ive been on this MFP for a week and i rather like it, i just started on a weight lifting program and im pretty dedicated to it. To be honest im really new to the whole keeping count on my calories. I understand that i have to be in a caloric defecit, if i want to cut back on some fat and my goal is to go from 13% body fat to 10 percent body fat in a month. I know its possible and very likely for me to achieve that goal. I do have one main question about MFP. When i enter my whole bio thing from age, weight, goal, and activity level. The MFP gives you a rough estimate of how much calories you need to consume to reach your desire goal, i was wondering does that INCLUDE my daily exercise routine or should i input that info in my dairy.. For example, for me it says 2800 calories for me to maintain and i put activity levels, i selected active which is spending a good part of the day doing something physical which i do. I travel at least 3-5 miles of walking up and down hills at my university. but I was wondering selecting activity levels active include my weight training and the cardiovascular exercise i do every week? the reason why i ask this i went to other sites with a calorie calculator and it also gave me an rough estimate of calories i need to intake but it says with exercising included. and the calories are much different than MFP!... im not sure if this is a dumb questions or not but like i said im new to the keep count on my calories =)


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
  • TylerAvenger
    My understanding is that activity level is based on what you do on a normal daily basis (because of school, work, parenting, whatever) and doesn't include exercise or strength training (which is something you add in to your day)... at least that's how I rationalized it. I could be wrong though :P
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    MFP uses NEAT...you set your activity level not including exercise and it gives you a deficet in your calories to lose your weekly weight loss goal.

    You then log your exercise and eat a portion of those back (as MFP over estimates)

    There is a method that does include exercise and you can use it here if you "custom" set your goals in your diary.

    TDEE which does include your exercise calories and to be frank a lot of people who lift weights (heavy lifting esp) use this method as it is too hard to get a calorie count doing weights.

    If you google Scooby TDEE and enter your stats including activity (exercise) you will get an estimate on your BMR, TDEE (maintenance) and based on your goal (5% fat reduction, 10%, 15 etc) it will give you calories to consume to do that.

    What you shoudl find is that your MFP calories +exercise calories =TDEE-15-20%. So it should be 6 of one half dozen of the other...

    Feel free to check my diary as I use TDEE and in the exercise portion of it I still log my exercise i just change the calories to 1
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Activity level is based on what you do on a normal daily basis (because of school, work, parenting, whatever) and doesn't include exercise or strength training (which is something you add).

    It will take a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you. Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants