sleep troubles/hypoglycemia after gassy WOD anyone?

Hey all! Please bear with me - this post is longer than I originally intended!

So, I did a particularly gassy lunchtime WOD yesterday (not my programming, I might add) - had had a substantial bowl of oatmeal about 2.5hrs before:

Warm up:
4 rounds
Partner 1 - 15x barbell back squats (about 20kg)
Partner 2 - Max Eff air squats until 1 finishes the 15
Swap - repeat for 4 rounds
THEN same with front squats/hack squats vs air squats for 4 rounds
THEN Partner 1 12x strict press with bar vs Max eff push ups for 4 rounds
(So we're "warmed up" now - read: gassed, with jelly legs!)

Main workout:
Thrusters (15kg) & burpees - reps of 40T-40B-30T-30B-20T-20B-10T-10B - basically 100 of each exercise (20 min cut off, instructor is yelling that no-one should be stood still throughout the workout....)

Followed by 2x minute plank holds.

According to my Basis band HRM/Activity monitor, this burned around 300 cals. Nothing crazy.

Ridiculous programming aside, after this, I ate a huge bowl of salmon salad - with coleslaw, grilled aubergine/eggplant, beetroot, mixed bell peppers, spinach, carrot, tomatoes - perhaps a bit light on starches but the canteen didn't have anything other than corn chips (bleugh). Usually more than enough to fill me up and keep me going until dinner/i find a snack in my drawer...but yesterday I was lethargic, unfocused and totally ravenous. I couldn't think of anything except eating.
I had to head out of the office to pick up a pot of prawns at 3.30pm and absolutely inhaled them.
Got home around 6.30pm and was intending on having a sweet potato with salmon fillet with asparagus baked in a lemon and butter sauce - but it didn't even touch the sides, and I 'had' to have 200g of beef biltong and a piece of mackerel aswell.

Was shattered and went to bed around 10pm, but kept getting those heart-pounding 'jolts' that woke me up until about 12:30, and then I was wide awake at 5am. I NEVER wake up in the night usually! :-/

Does anyone else find that they get symptoms of hypo or disturbed sleep after certain workouts??

(Background: I am 35yo female, 5'7", 73kg - I've been crossfitting for 18months, but in January had nearly a month break and a holiday due to cortisol/sleep/adrenal issues caused by overtraining - since then, my sleep has been fantastic, and I have got back into a less intensive training regime with more focus on Oly lifting so that I don't burn out again)


  • KaiserNiner
    KaiserNiner Posts: 19 Member
    Does anyone else find that they get symptoms of hypo or disturbed sleep after certain workouts??

    (Background: I am 35yo female, 5'7", 73kg - I've been crossfitting for 18months, but in January had nearly a month break and a holiday due to cortisol/sleep/adrenal issues caused by overtraining - since then, my sleep has been fantastic, and I have got back into a less intensive training regime with more focus on Oly lifting so that I don't burn out again)

    Your eating pattern afterward suggests it was pretty tough.

    I find anything that smashes the muscles like cross-fit, heavy lifting, or basically anything that makes you feel like your muscles are screaming will make it rough for a couple days. There's a lot of healing, filtering, and growth going on.

    I find taking a gentle stroll for about forty minutes (it's tempting to layout after a big session, but you need to keep moving the blood around), extra magnesium and paracetamol before trying to sleep helps somewhat.

    So, yeah, experienced that.