What can I do with a whole head of kale?



  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I love kale. I make a version of Jamaican Callaloo that I call Kalellaloo since I can't find callaloo (the vegetable) in NH. I also like adding it to soups and chopping it small to put in cook-up rice (another Jamaican dish) I use it in the place of spinach for fish or chicken florentine too. You can sautee it and put it in an omlete or make kale chips. It's pretty versatile.


    4 Strips of bacon (you can also use ham, Canadian bacon or omit), chopped
    1 tbsp Coconut oil
    2 Medium carrots chopped small
    2 Stalks of celery, chopped
    1 Medium onion, chopped
    1 Medium tomato, diced
    6 oz Salted cod (soaked overnight, change water twice and chop into pieces)
    1 tsp Pepper sauce (0ptional)
    1 large head of kale, chopped
    1 tsp Black pepper
    1/2 tsp Thyme
    Salt to taste

    In heavy pot melt coconut oil over medium heat, cook bacon until fat rendered but not too crispy, remove from pot. Add onion, celery and carrots, sautee until onions just start to get soft. Add chopped salted cod and toss around. Turn heat to med/med low. Add chopped kale and tomatoes stir to distribute ingredients. Add pepper sauce, pepper, and salt. Cover and let cook on med/med low heat until kale is cooked. Sprinkle thyme in and stir again just before serving. You can spritz lemon juice or apple cider vinegar on if you like.
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    I wash it, cut it up, leave the stems on, add some strawberries, blueberries, goat cheese, nuts, and balsamic vinegar dressing...and voila, a tasty kale salad.
  • mbitely2004
    mbitely2004 Posts: 66 Member
    The only way I can eat kale so far is in smoothies. Yum. I start by making a cup of green tea, pour it into the blender and throw in a handful of kale. (my handful of Kale is 2 cups! just an FYI ive measured plenty of time) Blend it well so it looks just like green juice, then throw in whatever frozen fruit and fresh fruit I have on hand (usually strawberries and mango) Then a couple tablespoons of flax seeds. YUM perfect breakfast for me.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Stir fry with olive oil, garlic, sliced almonds and finish with few slugs of oyster sauce. If you had the kale at Wild Oats this is basically what was in it. Excellent hot or cold. Italian wedding soup is another place I use it.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I put mine in smoothies. Our desert tortoise like hers plain and raw....