Starting out it for the long haul

Hey I am not exactly new I have started and stopped a couple of times and now being a single mom to 3 kids (ages 13, 7, and 1.5) I am more determined to stick to changing my lifestyle and getting healthier for myself as well as my kids, particularly my oldest since she is overweight herself. So we have made changes eating wise, healthier and portion control which has helped both of us. Now I am starting the exercise part of it, I joined a gym and signed my daughter up along with me as well. I have lost 36lbs but 20 of them were from June to July from just pure stress and barely eating, but the last 16 has been from making better food choices. I still have a bit to go but I know I will get there in time and hard work.


  • jennifer4567890
    jennifer4567890 Posts: 10 Member
    First of all, congrats on taking the right steps at such a busy time of life with single parenting three kids! That's an inspiration right there. Congrats on your weight loss, too. That's awesome that you lost 16lbs just from changing food choices. I am new here but happy to be a sounding board on anything and will be on as often as I can to help support people.
  • Semperfiddle
    Welcome back, Momto3Lovez! You've made a great start and I especially admire you bringing your daughter on the healthy lifestyle journey with you. It's awesome that you can support each other in your victories.

    I've been a part of this site for only about a week, so I'm new here too and I could use someone in my corner, cheering me on.

    I'm 50 yrs old, 5'4" and was weighing 233 lbs. Too much!! We are expecting our first grandchild in June and I didn't want to be weighed down and out of shape when he/she arrives. (they aren't finding out the sex in advance) I was fit for many years up through my 30's but had some tragedies and started to gain some major weight. Now, I'm healed from the pain of my past experiences and I want to put them behind me for good by losing the weight.

    I am down 8lbs and am determined to make my mini-goal of 10lbs lost. When I do, I will reward myself with a visit to the sauna (which I LOVE)

    Nice to meet you and keep in touch!