Has running helped you lose weight?

If it has, how much weight did you drop with running?

How many miles do you run per week?

If it hasn't helped you lose weight, do you know why?

I've been running a bit for a few months now an it has not helped me lose weight. I don't eat the exercise cals back.


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Absolutely. Big time. Running 5 miles for example burns 600-650 calories. When I started running/losing weight 18 months ago, I was doing anything up to half marathon - 1,500+ calories burned.

    It took me about 6 months to lose 2.5 stone. When I was doing it I set myself to lose 0.5lb per week and I nearly always hit just under that goal.

    Running was definitely the biggest influence. Second biggest influence was not drinking beer every weekend. I decided that if I was going to improve my race times, I was going to have to cut down on alcohol. That in itself was a worthwhile experience, and I still enjoy the odd beer as much as I always did.
  • mmmskyler
    mmmskyler Posts: 21 Member
    I just started working out again, but when I was previously a gym rat, I ran four miles a day, every day.

    In three months I lost 50 lbs., JUST because of running. I did not give up anything including drinking beer daily, and general poor eating habits. I am currently working my way back up to running four miles a day; I can run a solid mile, and then I end up walking at least another 1.5 (at a higher speed, 3.5 or greater).

    Keep at it!
  • django_girl
    django_girl Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, definitely. I run twice or 3 times a week, clock between 50-70kms a month. I also swim once a week. I am 5ft7 and weigh 147lbs. Used to be a LOT bigger (over 180lbs). I like running too.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    i walk 20 miles a week and run 16 miles a week. I can't say my weight loss is purely from running but it has helped. most of it was from eating right (clean) but they go hand in hand. besides I don't run to lose weight, I run to lose myself from the world. it gives me a chance to unplug and be who I want to be and take charge of what I'm doing and clears my mind. I just concentrate on the run and my life is happy.
  • kb2699
    kb2699 Posts: 80 Member

    Yes I think running has helped with my weight loss, combined with calorie deficit. I tend to eat the majority of my calories back. I run three times a week, around 3 miles a time so roughly 9 miles a week, sometimes more sometimes less.

    Have you been measuring? If you're running alot it's likely that you've built muscle but dropped fat.

  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Maybe I'm running wrong? I don't go super fast but I can run a 10 minute mile for shorter distances. My longest distance, so far, has been 5 miles (and I did register a burn of 611 cals!). I'm relatively new to this acivity but plan on increasing mileage very week.

    I have a 10K coming up and then would like to train for a half if all goes well.

    I haven't been eating extra due to running but on days that i do run, I adjust my carb/protein intake so I eat slightly more carbs and slightly les sprotein than on gym days.

    I'm 5'1" and 138 pounds. I know I'd run so much better with 10 or 15 pounds off of me.

    ETA: My measurements have also stayed the same although my thighs seem different in a better way.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Running helps me more to maintain my weight, than losing it. In order to lose, I need to cut my calories drastically.
  • RRB2000
    RRB2000 Posts: 77 Member
    I run for 30 minutes 5 days a week. Right now its averaging about 2.5 miles, but I just started running the entire 30 minutes. I run on a treadmill....I prefer that over outside running....uncommon I know. I can say it has DEF helped me in my weight loss. Every time I've lost weight (many times), all I've done is use the treadmill and count calories....it works great for me. And with running, even when I can't tell on the scale, I can tell with my clothes. You lose inches as well. OH, and I eat most or all of my exercise calories back.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I run 2-3x a week. Not fast, and not terribly far (3 mile average), and I went from 219 in March of 2013 to 182 in October 2013. Been maintaining since. I always ate back every single exercise calorie I burn. And, sometimes more.

    I don't think you can do it wrong, Weight loss is calories in calories out. If you are burning more calories than you are eating you will lose. Keep running! :smile: :heart:
  • deucemon69
    deucemon69 Posts: 647 Member
    Things I have learned from running:

    You lose weight when eating enough calories. When you eat too few calories, your weight loss slows down.
    Don't eat your calories burned from running
    make sure you eat a carb before you run to help with energy levels

    I have lost up to 20+ pounds by simply training for half-marathons following these rules. Granted I am also really good at putting that 20+ pounds back on once I stop running. :-)
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    I started running in January, had a couple of weeks off due to injury and back to it in February. I started at 3 miles 3 times a week, increased half a mile a week. I am now running 5 miles 3 times a week and will increase up to 6 miles (10k).
    I haven't changed my eating habits, it's not terrible. I have lost 8lbs so far but I have noticed big differences in my body, stronger legs, losing my belly, haven't measured but sure it must be inches!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Running is awesome for weight loss but you won't simply lose weight from running if you ignore other factors.

    ***For right here and right now considerations***

    Weight loss = caloric deficit

    running = burns in ballpark of 100+ cals a mile + happy cardio system fun time


    If you eat back what you burned when you ran then running will not really help you with weight loss. Cardio system will still be happy though.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Running is awesome for weight loss but you won't simply lose weight from running if you ignore other factors.

    ***For right here and right now considerations***

    Weight loss = caloric deficit

    running = burns in ballpark of 100+ cals a mile + happy cardio system fun time


    If you eat back what you burned when you ran then running will not really help you with weight loss. Cardio system will still be happy though.

    I agree with this with one caveat. Eating back your running calories, it's true, won't increase your weight loss (since it's really calories in vs calories out). But, what it will do, is make it FAR easier to hit your daily targets. I get to eat so much more when I run. The other thing running did for me was change my shape. It really seemed to focus the weight loss on my belly and chest (both big areas of jiggle - I think it was a survival mechanism LOL). On both counts, that was a good thing for me.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I lost it through eating less and running. I could only walk at first and would walk 6 miles a day and transitioned to running. I lost about 80 pounds this way.

    I then started training for a half marathon and lost another 25 pounds through calorie deficit and running probably around 30 miles a week.

    I then started marathon training. My first program I ran around 40 miles a week and as I've gotten more experience I ran around 60 miles a week. I never lost anything. I am absolutely baffled by how much I have to eat to maintain my current weight while running that much. Apparently, I am a very good eater.

    It is SO easy to eat and/or drink (especially drink) calories burned by running. Damn margaritas...
  • drewmmm
    drewmmm Posts: 130 Member
    Definitely! I love running, I usually run 4-5 miles a day, with maybe 2-3 rest days a month. I've lost 20 pounds in 56 days due to running and calorie deficit (and I wasn't very overweight to start with). Now I'm taking a week off because my right knee started hurting, and I'm concentrating on 30DS. Hopefully it won't be long before I get out to run again.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Yes - overall 90 pound weight loss. I went from 225 to under 135 and now I am running marathons.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    Added running about three months ago, and my weight loss has not changed much in that time. I'm progressing at about the same rate as I was with just calorie counting.

    HOWEVER, I have noticed the greatest difference in how I look since I started running. I'm starting to "firm" up gradually, and I can no longer feel my butt and stomach bouncing all over the place when I run.
  • captainheadkick
    captainheadkick Posts: 27 Member
    Running is awesome, but you've got to do it right.

    The barriers to starting to run are the lowest of any activity.....you don't need fancy equipment or anything....just your two feet.

    I run in barefoot shoes and don't believe in all the padding etc, but it might be needed for some people. However, I believe they can also learn how to run better and change their footstrike to avoid the need for heavy padding.

    You can't go too fast, too soon, or too long, too soon. Keep the speed down, and build mileage by no more than 10% per week.

    It definitely helps with weight loss, but your diet is important too.

    It's easier to start a running program than a lifting weights program, and way less intimidating.

    I'm starting to look into weights now, but I don't have any friends that lift at the gym so I'm kind of on my own.

    But running is awesome! Fast running and interval running is "awesomer"! lol
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Running definitely helped me lose weight. At first I wasn't eating right to support running and stopped losing but once I started eating right through trial and error the weight melted off but I started at 220 and I'm 5'4. I am just now restarting after a really severe sprained ankle though so I have to take things slow.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I love running, and ithelps me get fitter.

    But I dont think it's been that big a factor in my lsing weight - that's really down to diet.