Yo-yo dieting

Hi. I'm new and sick of yo-yo dieting! I've been dieting for 20 years. I lost the weight and gain twice the amount back. I have stacks full of healthy eating cookbooks, diet, books, etc. How do I get off this roller coaster?


  • First off, welcome! I'm a newbie too. You probably already know this but staying thin and in shape is a lifestyle, not a diet. This site works great to track everything to change lifestyle and habits. So unfortunately no secrets or tricks, but that is the good news I think. Best of luck!
  • You came to the right place! The people here are a great support and have great tips to help you lose in a healthy way :flowerforyou:

    You are right to get off the yoyo track, it is so bad for you and does not sustain weight loss. We have this distorted view that thin people are genetically different and can eat anything, part of it is they have not devestated their metabolisms through starvation. I think Dr. Oz once said, the very people who have the willpower to starve themselves are the largest!!! We need to stop starving ourselves, and learn to love ourselves and feed ourselves healthy NUTRITIOUS food, not processed food our body does not recognize.

    Let's get you retrained to think about food in a healthy way!! Welcome!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Go through your pantry and kitchen and either give away or throw out all of your processed food items. Buy only fresh, lean products from around the perimeter of the grocery store. Count every calorie that you put in your mouth. Eat 4-6 small meals a day. Drink lots of water. Commit to exercising in some form 2-3 times a week for 30-60 minutes. Don't give up...don't ever give up!
  • sggbrown03
    sggbrown03 Posts: 4 Member
    I am the queen of yo-yo weight loss and regain...I have gained and lost over 300 lbs in the last 40 years and i've lost as much as 90 in one try, 60, 50, 85, etc. But now I am here not just because I need to lose the weight but all the regain and extra weight has put me at age 69 into pre-diabetes, stage 2 kidney disease, severe spinal stenosis, and SI joint issues along with knee issues. Now I guess I can't eat anything! Low calorie, low fat (cardio/cholesterol health), low carb(prediabetes), LOW protein (stage 2 kidney disease) and to make it all worse, the kidney deal limits my potassium which occurs in all good dieting veggies! And I just fought lung cancer (even though I quit smoking 35 years ago). So, not to be a downer post but rather to say, get it DONE if you can because slimming down and staying there will save/extend your life and increase the quality of it.