Just got a gym membership

Okay, So I just got a gym membership and I'm fairly excited. The last few times I went all I did was 30 minutes pretty hardcore on the elliptical. I am like waaaaay out of shape right now, so I can't really do a lot. And I only have time for a 30 minute workout before I got to work in the morning, non-negotiable as I carpool to gym and work.

Age: 22
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 247lbs this morning

I've calculated a calorie budget for myself of 1850, which I stay under everyday excluding my 1 allotted cheat day. I'm just starting out at the gym adn after some research I've discovered that it's not all about cardio, as I had been led to believe. I've heard that weight lifiting is excellent for weight loss as well.
My problem?
I have NO idea what I'm doing with free weights or the weight machines at the gym. I can obviously do them, but I don't know what to do that would be best suited for my needs or how to do them as far as reps, sets, etc. I've heard so much arguing about high weight, low reps vs low weight, high reps.

I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit. But I also don't want to just layer on muscle underneath my fat. I want to burn the fat and build the muscle.

Ideally, I'd like to be down to a size 16 by my wedding in September. I'm at a 20 now.

I mean, I don't know. I'm terrible at setting realistic goals.

Anyways, workout advice would be mucho appreciated!



  • rlzwakenberg
    rlzwakenberg Posts: 64 Member
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I've seen a book called "New Rules of Lifting for Women" highly praised on here - you could start there. Also might help to hire a personal trainer - even if just a session or two to get you on the right path.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member

    I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit. But I also don't want to just layer on muscle underneath my fat. I want to burn the fat and build the muscle.

    Then you definitely want to start weight lifting.. good starting points here already like New Rules of Lifting, or there are tons of youtube videos for beginner weight lifting..
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member

    I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit. But I also don't want to just layer on muscle underneath my fat. I want to burn the fat and build the muscle.

    Then you definitely want to start weight lifting.. good starting points here already like New Rules of Lifting, or there are tons of youtube videos for beginner weight lifting..

    ^^ THIS!

    Since you only have 30 minutes, you could probably balance it out and work 1/2 the muscles one day, 1/2 the next, do this 4 days a week.

    You don't need cardio to lose weight. You have the right mindset, so good luck!!
  • rlzwakenberg
    rlzwakenberg Posts: 64 Member
    No cardio?
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    No cardio?

    Eating at a calorie deficit with cause you to lose fat.
    Exercise is for health.

    Cardio is simply for health and so you can eat more.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    This is a very common question around here. Does your gym offer orientation/trial personal training/classes? You can also look up info and routines on websites, Youtube, DVDs etc.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    You don't need cardio, but it might help a little with your weight loss goals (particularly if you enjoy it). OTOH, lifting will also get you to your goals -- especially the muscle-building part. I'm a fan of lifting and of women who lift, but the most important thing is to do what you're going to stick with.

    Either way, you have plenty of time to be where you want to be by September.
  • bugbldr
    bugbldr Posts: 9
    Cardio is just as important as lifting. Your heart is a muscle and needs to be worked out. There are numerous benefits from cario. Do your research and you will see that cardio is a very important part of any excersize program.