Some Summer Motivation!

Although here in Michigan it is below zero and snowing and it's almost April, the gym is still full of people gettin their fitness on! I wanted to share a motivational word that is getting my butt on that stair climber and forcing me to stick to my healthy choices!


I have a love hate relationship with this season. Summer means hot car, windows down, tan skin, vacations, barbeques, pool parties, open houses.. whats not to love about this season?! What has made me hate the past 4 or 5 summers has been my weight. And I am just now coming to terms with this. Pulling out that tub of summer clothes that mysteriously shrunk over the winter months. Slipping into your swimsuit and having stretchmarks screaming "old fashion globe alert!", picking out a cute sundress and having to wear a hot, sweaty girdle with it, going to an open house and grazing on carbs all day.. it all adds up to feeling frumpy, depressed, and hating that I cant hide under my big sweaters anymore. So I wish the season away instead of enjoying every moment of it like I want to.

This is a summer for change. A change so that next summer I can be rocking a bikini and feeling healthy and strong. It was important for me to recognize that even though I am trying very hard and want to continue to do so, I have to be realistic. So maybe this summer I don't get my bikini bod back. But I can start with having clothes that fit better. Bumping up my arm work outs so that my arms are tank-top toned. Being able to see my collar bones in the sundress I'll be wearing to a wedding in July. Summer is the season of feeling sexy, and we all deserve to enjoy that feeling! But it doesnt come for free, that's for damn sure!

Keep yourself motivated, because summer is right around the corner! What do you look forward to most about summer?


  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    picking out a cute sundress and having to wear a hot, sweaty girdle with it,

    Oh, how I detest wearing support wear in summer!

    I'm a Michigander too! Nice spring, aye? This is the first time in years that I've actually been looking forward to summer. While I don't have a bikini body, never will after 3 kids, I am fitter than I've been since High School and I can at least wear shorts without cringing :) I'm looking forward to beach picnics and trying paddle boarding.

    Best wishes on your journey to bikiniville...I bet you'll make it before you know it!
  • spdoughe
    spdoughe Posts: 51
    Wow! I just checked out your pictures, GREAT JOB!!!! you look absolutley AWESOME! You are my picture inpiration for the day :) Happy summer to both of us! (if it ever gets here lol)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'm planning to make this summer the summer of my life so far!

    - If I keep succeeding, I will be the lowest adult weight I've been since the summer of 2001, and the lowest size/bodyfat that I've been since I was 5 years old. Yes, 5.

    - I'm going to the beach and swimming. I haven't been to a beach in 10 years, and I haven't taken my shirt off to go swimming in over 20 (and I'm only in my early 30s).

    I hate super hot weather, always have. Temp wise I much prefer early Spring and Autumn. But I too have been anti-summer for a long time thanks to my weight. Being hot, fat, and sweaty in the summer is a piss poor combination.

    Having so much fat on your body that you look like hell in all summer clothes. And since I don't look like to embarrass myself and look like hell I just stopped wearing all that stuff; I've had a TON of hot summers filled with inappropriate long sleeved shirts, sweat shirts, and suit jackets, all pretending that it was just my personal style. This will be the first summer in over a decade that I put on some tank tops and wear other traditional summer clothes.

    I'm planning to do a ton of swimming. I'm planning to go out with my wife dancing. I'm planning to buy a whole new summer wardrobe that shows off my hard work. I'm planning to show off a little and feel damn good doing it. I'm planning to have more fun, spend more time outside, just plain LIVE more than I ever have.

    It's been a long time coming and I'm going to enjoy every single minute.
  • spdoughe
    spdoughe Posts: 51
    Wow Iwishyouwell, I am SO inspired by your post!! Your ticker says you've lost 130 pounds, that is AWESOME!! I know what you mean about hiding in "persnoal style" clothes in the summer.. You are totally going to rock it this summer and enjoy every minute of it (well, maybe not the hot weather!) Dancing, swimming, beach visits, showing off your new bod, doing it all with your wife.. what a long hot summer to look forward to! =) Keep up your hard work, you have given me more motivation to not lose site of my goal!