Politically-Minded, Older, Non-traditional Student

Hello! I'm just starting out here--I'm on day 5. I'm 5'5" and I started out at 208 (the highest recorded weight for myself) and I have currently moved down to 205. I have started a plan of working out 6 days a week, 4 out of the 6 moderate-intensive workouts.

About me: I'm 40. I never married (just because I'm an old maid does not mean I have not lead an interesting life), nor do I have any kids. I like kids--just as long as I can hand them back to their parents. ;) I have a family history of obesity and health problems and I'm working toward fighting against my genetics. Unlike my mother and my maternal grandmother, I would like to remain active well until my old age. I've had a moderately active lifestyle, but have become sedentary when I started school and I began to slow down after my knee injuries. I like hiking, running (which I've had difficultly doing as of late), swimming, and (high-intensity) dancing. I used to love kickboxing, until my original knee injuries ten years ago. I've always disliked most things involving yoga or weight-lifting. I've struggled with my weight up and down the scales over the years.

I'm currently a college student. I have a passion for old things. I like old school music (everything from old-school rap, old-school punk, goth, and new wave, classical, pre-50s jazz, and swing--occasionally I might find something contemporary that I like), movies, and I used to wear vintage-y clothing. Growing up (and until I couldn't fit in my clothes anymore), I would dress like my grandmother and her mother (my dad would often accuse me of trying to emulate his mother, though I had never seen or met her) before it was cool. That's why my friends would call me the "OG hipster." I also like to read. I'm more of a history/political science buff than fiction, but I do like the occasional horror or sci-fi novel. I'm also a political activist and a older nerdfighter. I'm not so much a Whovian (only because I haven't seen the show since the 80s), but I do love me some Star Trek (Picard--of course!), Game of Thrones, Monty Python, and Buffy--and I'm a BIG film buff.

Anyhoo, I would like to meet some similar people, possibly with some similar interests, who are on a similar journey or have successfully completed their journey. I can use all the help, inspiration, and advice that I need.

And most importantly: DFTBA!