On MFP one week now...feeling a little stressed!!

I don't know what it is going to take to work out on a reg. basis and i'm HUNGRY!!!:frown: But i will NOT give up...:)


  • karrieatshealthy
    Don't give up! It'll take a while for your body to get used to it but you can do it!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I've always struggled with working out on a regular basis. Find something that is fun for you. Personally, I kind of mix and match things so that I don't get bored. I also have a relatively cheap membership at a Curves because then I am paying monthly and I'm locked in if I don't use if I'm wasting my money (or so goes my logic). I match this up with various Turbo Jam work outs, some dance exercise workouts, Yoga and Chelean Extreme. I also find that getting up early and doing it in the morning works better for me. Stick with it and find what works for you! You can do it.
  • asallen7
    Eat some healthy snacks like fruit which are low in calories but fill you up. Drink plenty of water and even herbal tea sweetened with a little honey for taste. I even sweeten mine with Stevia for no calories. Spread your calories out throughout the day. I do 3 meals and 2 snacks. I try to eat every 3 -4 hours so I'm never feeling extremely hungry. That's what has helped me. As for the workouts, just start small. Ten minutes at a time. We all can find 10 minutes to spare somewhere in the day. Once you find somethign that you really love to do, it'll be something you look forward to.
  • sb1619
    sb1619 Posts: 26 Member
    For me that is the hardest part. Even though I do like to exercise, actually doing it is another issue. I had just joined a couple of classes through community education where people know me, so I feel that I have to be there. No excuses.

    It does get easier, just adding a little exercise to start to your daily routine. I try to walk 3 times a day for about 15 min each. Now I have added my classes. I try to do more on the weekend.

    Every little bit helps. Just go at your own pace. It will happen.
  • danacriley
    I know it's overwhelming :( You don't have to figure out right this minute how you will work out of a regular basis. Start taking opportunies to walk a little more - parking in a spot further away from the store etc etc.

    I started with just keeping track of my calories in the log. I set a goal of 1.5 pounds per week. I have lost more than that already and have barely worked out. My goal with time is to have a regular workout routine but I'm taking baby steps. Today is the first day I've been on the treadmill in well years. Start where you can and you will build from there. If you eat 1/2 a cake today, try again tomorrow. You will see that the little indulgences aren't always that bad. For me, seeing that I didn't totally mess myself up with three cookies, i am less likely to say "Oh to heck with it" and eat another 4.

    Just log. Play with the calorie database, and log your food. Grow from there. This isn't a race :) Glad you joined :0)
    - Dana
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I have been successful at losing weight and I typically only work out 2-3 times a week. I usually stay after work 1 day a week and use the elliptical that I have available there. Then I usually walk 2-4 miles sometime over the weekend. IF weather is permitting I will walk again as time allows, but don't beat myself up as long as I stick to my commitment of exercising 2x a week. Can't see your diary to provide input on eating habits, but in general, I have found that if I eat protein (eggs, lean meat, peanut butter) that I stay fuller longer. Also I eat a lot of fresh veggies, preferring romaine lettuce and broccoli which are lo-cal and will fill me up. Lots of folks say drink more water too. Hope this helps.
  • Kippster
    Kippster Posts: 25 Member
    You people here are just AWESOME, thank you all for your support i really appreciate it!!!:flowerforyou:
  • chic243
    My first 4 days were tough! Into my 3rd week and it is soo much easier! Hang in there it will be worth it in the end
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    Many good points made by all.

    Something I'd add is try to figure out what time of day you are most motivated to exercise. I know that sounds kind of obvious, but for me, I find that it is easiest to get my butt up earlier in the morning and do something before I officially 'start my day'. Granted, I have had to balance this out with work schedules at times, but even just getting up and doing an hour of yoga before anything else keeps me motivated for the rest of the day - and (for me) it starts the day off on a good fitness note and encourages me to continue 'being good'.

    Find what works for you and don't beat yourself up about the little things!

  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Hey, if you exercise, you get to eat more! =) I have been here 1 week as well, and it has been FAR easier than my first week last September when I started this journey. And I truly think it is because I am eating most of my exercise calories. So, exercise is always something I want to do, so that I can eat a little more and have some wiggle room. Don't stress too much - at least everyone here is so awesomely nice!!! That always helps. =) Good luck!!!
  • sweadie2
    Good for you for NOT giving up. I don't do any specific workouts. I alternate between outdoor bicycling, jogging, stationary cycling, hiking, yardwork. I post the exercise I do on Facebook because my friends there are really supportive and it keeps me accountable to be active regularly. In fact, it is through a FB friend that I found out about MFP. So far I have lost about 10 lbs and have about 30 more to lose. Keep up the good work!
  • chrissyz22
    Baby steps!!!! Exercise is hard to do if you don't like what you are doing. Try different things to see what works for you. The key is to get your heart rate up for 20 to 30 minutes with a warm up and a cool down. I have a few dvd's that I do sometimes, but I love martial arts and fitness kickboxing. Try it and before long you will be kicking some butt and I mean literally!!!!

    I agree with smaller meals a day. I try to do breakfast, a snack, lunch, then dinner. I skip the afternoon snack because I dinner right when I get home. I don't like to eat late and then go to bed. Lots of veggies. I make soup on the weekend and I eat that for lunch instead of going out. Fruit for a snack. Oh water is mega important. I buy those crystal light on the go packets. I find that I drink way more water with those because of flavor. Don't keep pop in the house. It has got to go!!!!

    Other than that add me if you want and I am here for all of you!!!
  • ebean
    ebean Posts: 12
    It IS hard. My very first day I got to about 1pm and I'd eaten all of my calories. I panicked! LOL

    People here gave me great advice.

    Something I learned is that I -had- to find low calorie snacks I enjoyed to carry me through between meals. Once I'd found some and had them ready and on hand at home, things got easier. The hunger went away.

    Water helps, too. Keep drinking your 8 cups throughout the day and it will take the edge off!

    Also, when I first started, I was SO focused on what I was eating that I would have the next meal planned out before the first one was finished to make -sure- I didn't go over my calories. The more I focused on food, the hungrier I got. Eventually, once I got into a groove and worked out what was what, I relaxed and wasn't thinking about food ALL of the time. It helps! :)

    As for the exercise, although I set myself a small goal, I -knew- it was going to be hard for me to start doing that. I decided that for the first little while, as I adjusted my eating, I would leave the exercise alone.

    I've been here for 3 weeks and have lost 11lbs without exercise. And I'm happy to report that feeling more in control of my future weight and what I'm eating, is motivating me to get up and on that treadmill, even if only for 15 minutes a day.

    So baby steps. Stick to it, it DOES get easier as you adjust and realize that you're in control.

    Good luck and keep using the boards for support! <3
  • Kippster
    Kippster Posts: 25 Member
    WOW...never in my life have i ever had so much support, this makes me feel so good and today SO far has been a good day, i'm not feeling starved yet and i drank a 3/4 pot of tim hortons coffee, sooooo, have i got energy...YOU BET..and i will get my workout in today.:happy:
    I need to remember that baby steps are ok, sometimes for me it's all or nothing...not no more(i'll keep telling myself that hehe)
    I think as time goes on, and the more friends i get the more accountable i will feel, oddly enough, as i don't want to let any of my supporters down, i appreciate you ALL.:smile: